lean back now, lean back and breathe [g.h]

586 21 85


Vanlirious9 ty for the prompt !!! i rlly enjoyed writing this and i hope this lives up to ur standards :) !!!!

fic title from ;; life itself - glass animals

cw/tw ;; none !!

pairing ;; spifL [spifey/george + tapL/harvey]

prompt ;; harvey is tired and george is warm. also, their roommates are assholes.

final word count ;; 2.2k


most people think living with four other non-relatives would be cool.

not george. george fucking hates it most times. don't get him wrong, he loves his friends, but jacob likes to keep him up with weird hypothetical and deep questions, zak and darryl don't stop arguing, and arran is arran, of course he despises it sometimes.

and maybe he's just biased, but harvey is probably the only reason he hasn't moved out. harvey, with his cute cheeks and soft eyes, harvey, with his pretty lips and smooth hands, harvey, with his coal black hair and angelic laugh, harvey, with his soothing voice, harvey. of course he's in love with harvey.

george isn't afraid of it, no, he's grown to accept it over the months. he's managed to keep his feelings under wraps, away from the predatory eyes of fans and stans and annoying-ass roommates, but sometimes he wants to reveal it.

sometimes, he wants to shout it from the rooftops, confess his love for harvey in the most dramatic ways, he would go to the deepest pits in tartarus and back if harvey so desired, he would do anything for him.

maybe that's why he's in this specific predicament. it's midday when he wakes up, irritable and cranky and feeling the opposite of well rested, and he can already hear arran fussing about something in the next room.

he sighs, standing up and peeking his head out of his doorway. arran is fussing with harvey for some weird reason, the words not really registering in george's half awake brain until he notices that arran is telling him to go to sleep, it's been three days and the project is due in a month, and george's entrails fill with sickly red shame as he becomes fully awake with the realisation that arran isn't lying about it. how could he not have noticed?

harvey glances around and locks eyes with him, a look of utter desperation on his face, and george sighs, unable to resist. he steps out of his room and shuffles tiredly to arran and harvey, staring down at the shorter with a small frown.

"why haven't you slept?"

harvey looks mildly offended that george isn't on his side, but he sighs nonetheless and answers reluctantly. "i've been trying to get this project done so i can spend more time with yo- with all of you," george notices the slip, his cheeks heating up ever so slightly at the maybe admission of feelings, but he forces a stern expression nonetheless.

"you need to be more well rested, though, to keep your mind sharp and help you focus, y'know that?" harvey looks sheepish, rubs the back of his neck and shrugs. "come on." he grabs harvey's wrist, feeling his pulse jump underneath the pads of his fingers; his cheeks flush and he looks down, but tugs harvey to his room nonetheless.

as soon as the door closes, harvey frowns. "geo?"

"cut the bullshit, harv'. why're you really not sleepin?" before harvey can come up with another lie, george fixes him with a pleading gaze, and harvey's resolve crumbles.

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