oh no, i've fallen once again [c.s]

516 13 11

hands you another update
i really like this pairing..... condifiction underrated asf <33
it was supposed to be longer i swear
dedicated to charlieVEVO and slmccl

fic title from ; fallen once again by naethan apollo

pairing ; condislime [condi/condifiction + charlie/slimecicle]

prompt ; charlie is constantly on condi's mind.

cws/tws ; none? really? idrk

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for as long as condi can remember, he and charlie have been best friends, closer to each other than to anyone else they know.

he doesn't consider anything they've done to be weird or out of the ordinary for them, considering that's just their dynamic. why should he? what they do isn't normal, not by any means, but it's them, and all he cares about is them. all he cares about is charlie, really, and with this care comes the questionable lack of willpower and control over strange urges that he's never felt with anyone else before.

so when charlie is eighteen and questioning his sexuality, condi is confused about himself, and they're rooming together for college, it's only a matter of time before they experiment together.

every touch of charlie's lips against his own steals the breath from his lungs, the tingling feeling that comes with each kiss is seared into his mind, charlie's body is pressed against his in a way that makes condi's chest ache and he yearns for more. charlie makes sure he knows it's mutual, humming softly into condi's kiss-bruised mouth and entangling their fingers together.

it isn't weird. it's just how they are.

when condi drops out and has to go back home, charlie kisses him goodbye in the airport, tells him he'll miss him and can't wait for him to come back. the words circulate in condi's head, constantly on repeat, and although he hadn't recorded it, charlie's voice echoes in his ears throughout the flight, sweet and tantalising and everything condi dreams about.

throughout the years, they remain close, just how condi likes it. at convention meetups, he is sure to stick near charlie, grasping for his hand underneath the tables to steady his racing heart, and after they film videos, condi listens to the recordings again and again, imagining charlie's enthralling smile every time he hears his radiant laugh. all condi can think about is charlie, charlie's pretty sapphiric eyes and sepia coloured hair that curls above his ears and on his forehead. charlie was sculpted by the angels themselves, sent down to earth to ensnare condi's heart with loving eyes and gentle touches and soft, sweet words that drip like honey from sun-kissed lips.

condi's feelings for charlie don't change, and he suspects they never will.

charlie calls him out of the blue one day.

"hey, condi," he says, and his voice, through the crackle of condi's phone speaker, makes condi's knees week. it hasn't been that long since they've last talked, but it's been long enough that condi's missed hearing him.

"hey, slime! what's going on?" condi asks him, steadying his quivering voice to keep the foreign thoughts swimming around his head from tearing him apart, and charlie sighs, shifting on the other end of the phone call.

"i'm dropping out. college isn't really what i wanna do, y'know?" condi hums understandingly - after all, he dropped out for the same reason, wanting to pursue his lifelong dream of being a youtuber instead of suffering in a major he didn't particularly like. "and my parents cut me off, so once i move out, i won't have anywhere to live."

oh. that's certainly new. condi's eyes widen and his breath hitches, wondering what this means for charlie. "that wouldn't be good," he says, and charlie chuckles, his voice shaking, "do you have a place in mind?"

"well, that's kind of the reason i'm calling you." condi hums, intrigued, and charlie takes it as his cue to continue. "i was wondering if you would mind if i stayed with you?"

"dude! of course i don't mind, i'm not a heartless fuck, and i have extra room, so it's not going to be an issue. move in whenever you want, just shoot me a message so i have time to clean up before you do." he's unsure if charlie can hear the happiness in his voice, but the other man lets out a relieved chuckle, and condi can almost picture the glorious smile charlie is most likely sporting. it's imperfect, of course it is, since charlie isn't here and condi hasn't seen his smile in quite a long time, but it's still enough to make condi's heart skip a beat.

and so, a few weeks, later, there he is - charlie dalgleish, looking utterly ethereal - standing in condi's living room with a cheeky grin plastered on his face.

"i'm glad you're here." condi says, coughing, and the brunet smiles softly at him. he would do literally anything if it meant charlie beams at him like that again.

after charlie moves in, he fits into condi's schedule easily. why shouldn't he? charlie is everything to condi, he's the angel to his nightmares, someone condi doesn't think he can live without, someone condi would rather kill himself than lose.

he sees charlie when he wakes up, sees charlie when he goes to sleep, he sees charlie in saccharine dreams he wishes were real, where he can reach out and cup charlie's beautiful face in his hands, where he can lean up and kiss tantalising lips softly, where he can wake up next to charlie with their hands intertwined, eburnean sunlight slipping in through cracks in his blinds.

condi is in love.

he didn't mean to fall in love, but he isn't ashamed. he's never been ashamed of his feelings for charlie, no matter how many times someone calls it sinful or a crime, he never has and never will be ashamed of them.

charlie is the world to him, the sun and stars and the moon, his entire universe. condi wouldn't dare leave charlie, wouldn't dare to think of charlie as a lesser. charlie is worth everything to him, there's nothing condi wouldn't do for charlie if he'd asked, and it might sound crazy, but he wants charlie to depend on him, wants charlie to feel the same way he does.

charlie lives in his head. charlie's smile and his quiet puns, gentle quips and soft giggles, the way he looks underneath the beautiful moonlight.

condi is infatuated. he's a wreck without charlie, his heart belongs to charlie, and he wonders if charlie's heart belongs to him as well.

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