~the realization pt. 1~

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I- I didn't mean to write 5.5K words... I- it's split into two parts again, I apologize these are so long :'')


Over the next three weeks, Taehyun and Beomgyu had been able to fit in a total of five dates. They weren't able to hang out much outside of school so the dates were always a breath of fresh air and the two obviously loved it. They would switch off planning them so since Beomgyu planned the first one, Taehyun planned the second, and so on. Of course, Taehyun couldn't help but wonder why Beomgyu hadn't asked him to be something more than a date night, but he was patient. Granted, said patience was wearing thin, but he was patient nonetheless. He was well aware Beomgyu was one of the waiting types, taking his time on dates, staying respectful, never pushing the younger, and always making sure he was comfortable and enjoying his time. In short, Taehyun felt as if he was being courted, and honestly, he wasn't complaining... although, couldn't the older go just a little bit faster?

Beomgyu, on the other hand, decided that he was ready to ask the younger to become something more than "less than lovers but more than friends." He wanted to ask the boy to be his in a romantic setting, something a little more than their casual dates, but he would have to wait one more week, for this date was Taehyun's choice and not his, although, now, he couldn't help but become excited at the idea.

When the text came from the redhead that he was heading over and to dress casually, Beomgyu immediately began to get ready. He decided to leave the makeup off today, giving his skin a break, and dressed in a simple white shirt, tucked into blue jeans, and a brown cardigan over it. Giving himself a once over in his mirror, which was now covered in pictures of him and Taehyun, he nodded in satisfaction before grabbing his keys, wallet, and phone and walking out of his room and towards the stairs. As soon as the ball of his foot brushed against the hardwood of the floor below, the doorbell sang and he grinned. Perfect timing.

Rushing to the door, Beomgyu threw it open and was immediately tackled in a hug, a red ball of fluff being his only sight of the younger before he was wrapped in a warm embrace. The older giggled and wrapped his arms around Taehyun's thin waist, pulling him closer and resting his chin on his head. They stood there for a second, drowning in each other's presence, before slowly and reluctantly disentangling their limbs.

When Beomgyu was able to see all of Taehyun, he gawked at the sight, an action that both of them had become familiar with quite quickly. "Damn Tae," he giggled, reaching for the younger's hand and suddenly pulling him close and twirling him around. "You never cease to amaze me." The younger flushed a bright red, a shy smile on his face as he was finally twisted back to face the other. He wore a simple sweater over black jeans and yet he somehow looked so damn good.

"Shut up," he murmured, eliciting a chuckle from Beomgyu's lips who reached out and ruffled his hair, affection dancing in his eyes.


With that, the two walked out of his house, only stopping to lock the door before continuing on to Beomgyu's car. Taehyun climbed into the driver's seat while the older claimed the passenger and they immediately set off. The artist put on Enhypen's new album, the twirling notes and melodies dancing quietly in the background as the two began to pick up a calm, quiet conversation.

"Hyunnie, you going to tell me where we are going~"

Taehyun giggled and nodded, eyes not leaving the road as he began his response. "Just a little cat cafe that just opened. I heard about it a few days ago and figured we should go together." Beomgyu gasped excitedly, his eyes sparkling as he turned to the boy on his left.



"Oh my goodness," the older squealed, clapping his hands together. "I haven't been to an animal cafe in such a long time, I can't wait!"

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