~parties suck~

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I love you guys T^T

Beomgyu couldn't do this. He had been looking through the house for ten minutes now, a clingy Soobin attached to his hip and the loud trap music pounding in his ears. He had tried to call Taehyun but he never answered. He had tried to call Yeonjun but it went straight to voicemail, which made Beomgyu pout but it appeared to appease Soobin, saying that he wanted to hear his "Yeonjunnies beautiful voice". which lead to him repeatedly calling the older only to listen to the voicemail tone.

It took fifteen minutes for them to find Kai, who was sitting in the corner of the room with two half-empty bottles of beer in each hand. It wasn't until Beomgyu and Soobin approached him that they could hear the youngest gently singing to the bottles, rocking them back and forth in his arms. I swear these kids. Who the hell allowed them to have alcohol?

"Kai," he called gently, kneeling down in front of the singing boy. When the younger looked up and recognized Beomgyu, a blinding smile climbed onto his lips and he wrapped his arms around Beomgyu's other free arm.

"Look hyung," he giggled, holding up the bottles, "these are my friends! His name is Yum and this is Tum." Kai then leaned in closer to Beomgyu's ear before whispering, "I think they like each other but don't tell them that."

"Kai," he murmured, narrowing his eyes, "Those are beer bottles." Kai gasped loudly before cradling Yum and Tum even closer to his chest, shaking his head.

"Hyung! You can't just tell someone they're a beer bottle-"

"Yeah okay," Beomgyu interjected, gently tugging the bottles from Kai's arms and placing them on the floor, which was quite a hard task when he had Soobin clinging to his arm. "Come on Kai," he cooed gently, grabbing the younger's hand and pulling him up, allowing him to lean on his shoulder. "Let's go find Taehyun and Yeonjun-"

"Yeonjuuun~" Soobin wailed suddenly, shoving his head into Beomgyu's neck.

"It's okay Bin, we will find him," Beomgyu sang lightly, although his expression was one of pain and annoyance. Beomgyu slowly tugged the two drunk males back into the crowd, eyes searching the ocean of faces desperately for the two that he would recognize. Luckily for him, it took him less than a minute to find his best friend, who was, unsurprisingly, captivating the dance floor, a shot glass held tightly in his hand. There was a small crowd cheering him on as he swung his hips and twirled around, completely lost in the beat of the music to hear Beomgyu calling his name. The younger rolled his eyes before dragging the other two boys with him to the middle of the dance floor. He grabbed Yeonjun's arm with the same one Soobin was attached to and dragged him away from the crowd, ignoring the loud boo's and small catcalls he received in the process. Once they got a safe distance away from the dancing bodies, Soobin finally seemed to recognize his boyfriend was right next to him.

"Junnie!" he called happily, removing his hands from Beomgyu's arm and throwing them around Yeonjun's neck.

"Binnie!" The older responded, just as enthusiastically and a huge smile captivating his features. The pair stared at each other, seeming to forget the rest of the world around them. Beomgyu rolled his eyes, a fond smile on his lips. These two, somehow, even when drunk, never failed to show how much they loved each other.

"Okay you two," Beomgyu chuckled gently, grabbing Soobin's arm and trusting Yeonjun would hold onto his boyfriends. "Do you know where Taehyun is?"

"Taehyunnie?" Yeonjun asked, his eyes wide as he cocked his head to the side. "Tae said he was going to the bathroom."

Beomgyu thanked silently that his best friend was useful for once and nodded, pulling the three boys towards the front of the house where the bathroom was located. When they rounded the corner, Beomgyu paused for a moment, taking in the sight of the boy he was looking for laughing delightedly, his hand slung around some guy's waist and his other grasping a red cup. The older shook his head before continuing towards the younger. Taehyun was not his and barely knew he existed so any other thoughts beyond that were quickly locked out of Beomgyu's head.

"Taehyun," he called gently, earning the gaze of the younger. He must've had some alcohol in his system because when his eyes met Beomgyu's a red blush flushed his cheeks and a small giggle erupted from his mouth. The older boy refused to acknowledge how adorable he looked. Yup. Absolutely refused...

"Beomgyu," the boy said, walking over to them. "You found them!" The older tried his best not to check out the younger too obviously. His red hair was parted slightly and he had just a bit of makeup on to enhance his features. He wore a pair of white skinny jeans combined with a loose t-shirt and a pair of dangly earrings. He looked really good.

"Yeah," Beomgyu struggled out before motioning to the door, "ready to go?"

Taehyun just smiled at him before wrapping Kai's arm around his shoulder, allowing Beomgyu to move Yeonjun to his left side, balancing out the weight of the two lovebirds and making it easier for him to walk. He led the way to the door, shoving it open before being met with a cool breeze that tossed his hair gently and wove through his clothing.

He pulled his two hyungs to his car, trusting that Taehyun was following before unlocking the doors and gently pushing them inside, placing Yeonjun in the backseat and Soobin in front of him. Taehyun maneuvered Kai to sit beside Soobin before taking his spot in the front passenger seat. Beomgyu trudged towards the driver's side and hopped in, turning on the car before taking a deep breath. Who knew gathering four boys from a party could be so exhausting.

He glanced behind him at the three boys who were silent now, all on the verge of passing out before moving his gaze towards Taehyun beside him. The younger appeared to be about to doze off as well and Beomgyu had to tear his eyes away from the ethereal sight before he began to stare. He silently pulled out of the street he was parked on and began to drive. He had realized that he didn't know where any of them lived beside Yeonjun so he decided to just take them to his house and let them spend the night, thanking the party-goers silently for at least getting shit-faced drunk on a Friday not and not a weekday. He was so drowned out in his thoughts that he didn't realize Taehyun had stirred and was now looking at him.

"Where are we going?" the younger whispered, careful to not wake the others. Beomgyu glanced at him before returning his gaze to the road, one hand on the wheel and the other resting against the window.

"My house, if that's okay? I don't know any of your addresses," he responded, equally as quiet. He saw the younger nod in his peripheral vision before moving to stare out the window It was some time before he spoke again.

"Thank you for coming to pick us up," Taehyun murmured, eyes still trained on the passing view outside. Beomgyu scanned the younger quickly before chuckling softly.

"I kind of had to after that phone call." Taehyun turned his gaze towards the older, a small frown edged on his face.

"Fair point... but still."

Beomgyu nodded, "No problem."

Taehyun scanned the artist quickly, giving him a once over before settling into his chair. "And where were you when I called?" he asked, noticing Beomgyu's sweatpants and a t-shirt that somehow still made him look good. The older shrugged, his eyes on the road.

"Driving," he responded, "I was heading towards the grocery store to grab some things for the next week when I got your call."

"Oh. Sorry for the interruption," Taehyun muttered guiltily. Beomgyu once again shook his head.

"I'd rather you call me and you four get home safely then you not call me and you guys end up doing something stupid or getting hurt. If the option is to stay somewhere drunk or call me, call me every time, okay?"

"Okay," Taehyun whispered back, a small smile lighting up his face. Beomgyu sounded so protective when he said that. So warm. It made him feel safe in the older boy's presence as if he could trust him with anything.

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