"You know, sometimes home is not a place." Jeonghan whispered and looked up to Seungcheol who had a confused look on his face.

"Then what is?" the raven haired man asked

"It could also be a person." Jeonghan replied.

"Then my home would be in your arms." Seungcheol stated that made Jeonghan smile even more. He felt his cheeks blushed and his heart beat fast.

"That was a cheesy line." Jeonghan sat back up and rested his head on the headboard of Seungcheol's bed, "But i liked it." he smiled.

"I hope and pray that this lasts forever." Seungcheol stated as he positioned himself beside Jeonghan.

Jeonghan tilted his head in confusion, "What is?"

"You and me," he started "Happy together." he ended his sentence with a sigh. Seungcheol held Jeonghan's hand as if he didn't want him to leave, as if Seungcheol was afraid that Jeonghan might be gone.

"Well, we could never avoid the incoming conflicts of our relationship." Jeonghan said as he held a tight grip on Seungcheol's hand. " But no matter what happens, I will always love you." he looked up to Seungcheol who had a worried expression on his face.

" I don't want to lose you Hannie, I can't lose you. " His voice sounded weak, as if every word he said conveyed a sad message.

"I'll be here Cheol, I'll stay." Jeonghan smiled and caressed Seungcheol's face with his thumb.

"Why are we being so dramatic now? It's not like it's the end of the world!" Jeonghan said to lighten up the mood which made Seungcheol laugh.

"God, I just love you so much." Seungcheol stated " I love love love you Yoon Jeonghan!" suddenly shouting making Jeonghan laugh his guts out.

"It's really clear that you're too whipped for my ass." Jeonghan jokingly said, making Seungcheol chuckle.

" i can't help it, my boyfriend is too beautiful." Seungcheol held Jeonghan's hand and kissed it. He could never contain his enthusiasm whenever he's with Jeonghan.

" I love you too Mister. " Jeonghan's lips curved into a cute smile. It was too clear and visible that both of them are whipped for each other. Jeonghan pinched the tip of Seungcheol's nose, like a cuteness aggression.

"How come you're so clingy you big baby." Jeonghan stated when Seungcheol wrapped his muscular arms on Jeonghan's tiny waist. Jeonghan brushed the silky black hair of his boyfriend and sticked his  nose to it to smell the pleasant cherry shampoo.

"What would I do without you?" Seungcheol asked out of curiosity, he wondered what could've happened if their paths never crossed.

"Then your life would be boring." he chuckled.

"I suppose you better stay with me until I grow old so that my life would be colorful." Seungcheol replied and leaned on Jeonghan's chest.

"But i like black, like my soul."

Seungcheol giggled "Then we'll buy colorful paints, let's paint our dull lives together."

"You're being awfully weird and cheesy today, did you eat an expired kimbap?" Jeonghan asked and held Seungcheol's shoulder. Seungcheol plastered a cute pout on his face and crossed his arms.

"I am just expressing my undying love for you! " he whined like a big baby.

"Hey, I'm just kidding. Okay?" Jeonghan answered. The smile never left from his face because of Seungcheol's fit. It was already planted from the back of his mind on how Seungcheol acts whenever he's upset. Indeed, it was cute.

" You need to be punished! " Seungcheol immediately locked Jeonghan's delicate frame with his strong arms.

"I thought we're just going to cuddle?" Jeonghan said as he slowly covered himself with the thick blankets but Seungcheol was too quick to notice it so he threw the blankets somewhere around the room.

"Not anymore." Seungcheol growled, he was about to rip Jeonghan's white thin shirt when a phone just started ringing out of nowhere.

Both of them got bothered by the annoying sound, turns out it came from Jeonghan's phone. Seungcheol quickly reached for it and handed it to Jeonghan. Annoyance was clearly showing in his face.

Jeonghan immediately pressed the answer button out of anger "What the fuck fo you want?" he harshly asked

"Oh, I'm sorry Jisoo. What is it? Is there something wrong?"


Jeonghan felt his world upside down, he immediately let go of his phone and he felt the tears running down from his eyes. Seungcheol was alarmed when Jeonghan sobbed, he was confused on what happened on that phone call. He immediately hugged the blonde male and planted kisses on his forehead.

"Cheol, she's back." Jeonghan whispered, as he heaved a deep sigh. Jeonghan hugged Seungcheol, who was still confused and puzzled.

"My mom is back."


hi! if u have time, please check out my new text fic titled Buddy! It's a JunHao fic, i hope u guys will like it ♡

(p.s i revised this chapter, for those who have read the old version... just keep it a secret)

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