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It was already 11:30 in the evening when Seungcheol got home. He placed his things on the center table in the living room and plopped himself on the soft couch. He wanted to stay by Jeonghan's side all day and night but realized that he needed to give his boyfriend some privacy.

The lights were off when Seungcheol arrived, an indication that Jihoon was also not home. He dialed the younger male's number a few times but no one answered.

"Where the hell is he?" Seungcheol asked himself, he stood up and went to Jihoon's room but there was no sign of him. Jihoon would always leave a note in his study table that he'll spend the night at Soonyoung's house or he's gonna come home late. Seungcheol considered Jihoon as his family, like a little brother. Seungcheol was the maknae of their family so he was treated like a baby but the thought of being friends with someone younger than him didn't cross in his mind. But it felt nice, and Seungcheol liked it if someone calls him hyung.

Seungcheol dialed Soonyoung's number on his phone and luckily his friend picked it up quickly.

"Hello? Soonyoung?"

"Yes, hyung?" The other line answered back. The background music was hurting Seungcheol's eardrums so he put his phone a few inches away from his ear and put Soonyoung on loud speaker.

"Where are you? Is Jihoon with you?" Seungcheol asked once again, already irritated by the loud music and beats in Soonyoung's background.

"Uhh..No.. "

"Where the hell are you? Are you in a bar? Why are you not with Jihoon?" Seungcheol fired Soonyoung with hard questions. Soonyoung couldn't find any answers to his hyung's question and the girl who kept on pinning her butt in Soonyoung's crotch was not helping either. Soonyoung tightened his grip on his phone and drank the last shot of the whiskey he ordered awhile ago. Soonyoung's head was already in a blur and didn't notice that his hand was already tracing the body of the girl in front of him.

"Oppa... Stop using your phone..." a voice of a female suddenly spoke and that made Seungcheol even angrier.

"Who the fuck was that? Oh for fuck's sake where are you Soonyoung? I'm picking you up." Seungcheol blurted in annoyance and took his car keys. He was tired and Soonyoung's situation was not helping either.

"The usual, where jihoon and i became a couple." Soonyoung answered and ended the call. It was already 12 am when Seungcheol started the car and he bet he'll arrive at the bar at 30 mins, and in that 30 long minutes who knew what's going to happen?

Jihoon was a political science student, which is really far from what he really wanted. He wanted to pursue music, especially producing songs. It was his forte, it was the only thing that makes Jihoon happy. Seungcheol supported Jihoon's dream, Soonyoung too but Jihoon's parents wanted their son to pursue something else.

Seungcheol knew Jihoon's schedule so well and that's why he's worried because Jihoon would already be at home when the clock struck 10 pm.

Good thing there's no traffic and the bar was pretty close. It was already 12:30 am when Seungcheol arrived at the bar and immediately went inside. After looking around he finally saw Soonyoung who was seated at the corner, making out with some random girl and Seungcheol bet that the bitch who was making out with his friend's boyfriend was ugly as fuck.

Seungcheol stood infront of them and pulled Soonyoung up, the girl looked at Seungcheol with annoyance and confusion but Seungcheol just glared at the girl. The older male dragged Soonyoung until they reached the parking lot, Seungcheol kept on convincing himself not to punch Soonyoung for Jihoon's sake.

Seungcheol didn't know what to do, but he was sure that he'd tell Jihoon everything that he saw.

"Hey! Stand up straight, I'm taking you home." Seungcheol scolded Soonyoung who was leaning his frail body on Seungcheol's car. The older male quickly helped Soonyoung to sit on the passenger seat and buckled the seat belt. Even though Seungcheol was angry of Soonyoung's carelessness, he couldn't deny the fact that he is worried of his friend. This is the first time Seungcheol saw this side of Soonyoung. He didn't knew Soonyoung was cheating on Jihoon, he didn't knew Soonyoung was a bastard.

"I love you..." Soonyoung muttered, Seungcheol was fishing for his car keys inside his pocket and was so close on punching Soonyoung's drunk face.

"Jihoon-ah..." Soonyoung stated as Seungcheol started the engine. It was still visible, it was so clear that Soonyoung really loved Jihoon but Seungcheol was confused, why would you cheat if you already have someone in your heart?

"You fucking bastard, just a few moments ago you were making out with that girl like disgusting frogs and now you say you love Jihoon?" Seungcheol furiously stated, not removing his eyes from the road.

"I'm sorry..." Soonyoung replied, eyes still closed.

"I had to..." he continued. Seungcheol took a glance at Soonyoung when he muttered those words. It made Seungcheol even more confused as to what Soonyoung was trying to say.

Both of them arrived safely at Soonyoung's house, Seungcheol also called Seokmin and Seungkwan to help Soonyoung. Seokmin and Seungkwan is worried in Soonyoung's state but they didn't dare to ask about what happened just by judging Seungcheol's expression. They knew something was up but they never dared to say a word.

"We'll take care of him hyung, drive safely!" Seokmin said and waved goodbye to Seungcheol.

Seungcheol heaved a deep sigh and stared at the sky, there were no stars above him and the moon also hid behind the dark clouds. Seungcheol thought about what he saw at the bar and was debating with himself whether to tell the truth or not. Telling the truth would always end up hurting someone, and Seungcheol didn't want Jihoon to get hurt but he knew Jihoon deserves to know everything.

Jeonghan deserves to know the truth too and Seungcheol felt guilty for not saying it. He's afraid of the consequences, he's afraid that if he told Jeonghan that he was the one who saw him in his weakest state. Seungcheol witnessed Jeonghan trying to escape from his painful life, Seungcheol saw how broken Jeonghan was and he was afraid that if he told Jeonghan what he knew, things might turn into shit and Seungcheol might lose Jeonghan.


Seungcheol was indeed selfish. He loved Jeonghan so much that he's too afraid to lose him.

"fuck" Seungcheol muttered and took a cigarette inside his car. Placing the deadly material between his lips, he lit it up and blew a thick smoke out of his mouth. He wanted everything to be perfect, he wanted no mistakes and failures but the secret was too obvious, too visible. Seungcheol sat in the driver's seat and revved the engine. As he was driving alone in the road, he decided to keep everything from himself, preventing any shit to come out.

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