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"I told you to buy the strawberry one!" Jeonghan exclaimed when he saw the chocolate flavored icecream that Seungcheol bought. Months have already passed since the fight he had with Jeonghan and all the bullshit he did.

"Oh? I'll just buy another one." Seungcheol stated as he stood up and grabbed his car keys.

The school cut off the students some slack after the stressful test and gave them 2 weeks of vacation. Being Seungcheol's clingy boyfriend, Jeonghan decided to stay at his boyfriend's place for the rest of the vacation. Jihoon didn't mind though that Jeonghan was at their house, it even made him happy because he felt like Jeonghan could be a potential mother who would take care of him.

"Forget it, let's just eat this one." Jeonghan pouted and pulled the hem of Seungcheol's shirt, a gesture for him to sit beside Jeonghan. Seungcheol noticed that Jeonghan's hair was already long that would instantly cover his lover's face so he tucked Jeonghan's hair behind his hair and smiled.

After the vacation was set, Jeonghan immediately dragged Jisoo to a salon to accompany him. He dyed his hair blonde looking like a Disney prince or princess. Seungcheol was pretty shocked of Jeonghan's new hair color but he didn't mind, in fact he liked it so much because Jeonghan reminded him of his favourite disney princess which is Cinderella.

Good thing Jihoon was not home, so they pretty much have the house all for themselves. Jeonghan was only wearing an oversized shirt and tight boxer shorts that triggered Seungcheol's hidden desires.

"Why are you wearing boxer shorts?" Seungcheol asked when Jeonghan placed his right thigh on Seungcheol's lap.

"Why? Do you want me to be naked?" Jeonghan asked back and flashed a cheeky smile.

"Stop teasing me." Seungcheol started "or else I'll rip that off of you." he smiled and kissed Jeonghan's lips. It was just a light smack but filled with love.

"Try me" sticking his tongue at Seungcheol, quickly running away from him. Jeonghan heard a loud 'oh boy' coming from Seungcheol's mouth and that's when he knew he's done for if Seungcheol catches up to him. When he was about to open Seungcheol's bedroom, he felt a strong hug coming from behind.

Jeonghan then screamed and laughed when Seungcheol carried him inside his bedroom. He knew he was about to get fucked real hard.

"You're being naughty again, princess." Seungcheol said as he laid down Jeonghan on the soft mattress. Jeonghan then giggled and cupped Seungcheol's face, mesmerised by his beauty.

"If i'm a princess, i'm gonna need a prince." Jeonghan said as Seungcheol went to lay down beside him. They were facing each other, not wanting to spare a single space.

"Then your wish is my command." he smiled and caressed Jeonghan's face. Both of them stared at each others eyes and even every detail of their facial features was not spared. Jeonghan smiled and held a tight grip on Seungcheol's hand, not wanting to let go.

"I love you Cheol." the blonde stated and kissed the tip of Seungcheol's nose. He could hear Seungcheol's loud heart beat that made him feel the butterflies in his stomach flutter in happiness.

"I love you too, Hannie." Seungcheol replied back and pulled Jeonghan into a warm hug. Jeonghan wrapped his arms around Seungcheol's toned torso and buried his face on his lover's chest.

For once Jeonghan felt secured and loved, safe and wanted. He's thankful that Seungcheol came into his life, he's thankful Jisoo gave his number to him, thankful for everybody who stayed by his side through a tough time. Seungcheol and Jeonghan felt each others warmth, not wanting to let go. Finally, both of them are home.

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