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TWY [18]

Jeonghan laid down on the soft mattress and closed his eyes. He was wondering why Seungcheol won't open up to him, he's wondering why he drew a line between them.

When they started dating, Jeonghan decided to love himself slowly and surely. He wanted to change so that Seungcheol won't have a hard time loving him. He decided to change for the person that he love.

Ever since he met Seungcheol, he decided to trust him. Even though its just been a month or so and things went pretty fast, he decided to trust every inch of him. Jeonghan felt unfair and hurt because Seungcheol kept everything to himself. He wanted to have a part in Seungcheol's life, not just as his lover but as someone whom he really trusts.

He wanted to help his boyfriend, but it was clear that Seungcheol wanted to go everything his way. He wanted to point out that Seungcheol was greedy and selfish but decided to shut his mouth to prevent hurting Seungcheol's feelings. He then realised that love is not all about just flowers and butterflies, love also comes with rain and thunderstorms.

Jeonghan sat back up and looked at his phone. There were still no messages from Seungcheol which made him worry even more. But Jeonghan stood his ground, he knows he's right. He knew Seungcheol's decisions would hurt everybody that his greed and desires would turn everything into shit.

Realising that he's not being any productive just by staring at his phone waiting for Seungcheol, he decided to open his math textbook and reviewed the recent lesson. His head was already aching but he didn't mind, he needed a distraction from the sadness already swallowing him from within.

The x's and y's were confusing Jeonghan so he decided to ask someone for help.


hanniehae: HELP ME
hanniehae: u guys have smart asses

pupgyu: i am smart and i also have an ass
pupgyu: that means i'm perfect
pupgyu: hehe

mingmingfrog: no gyu
mingmingfrog: u suck
mingmingfrog: always remember that

pupgyu: fuck u and ur skinny ass

mingmingfrog: excuse u
mingmingfrog: this ass issa bomb
mingmingfrog: it even tamed jun's dick

hanniehae: what the fuck guys

mingmingfrog: anyway
mingmingfrog: how's it going with ur boyfriend jeonghan?

hanniehae: well..
hanniehae: so-so
hanniehae: and it's HYUNG U BITCH

mingmingfrog: fuck u hyung

pupgyu: i thought u need help jeonghan hyung
pupgyu: what is it

hanniehae: I'm just having troubles with math
hanniehae: i needed help

mingminghao: but you're a senior?
mingminghao: how the hell r we gonna help u?

hanniehae: yes
hanniehae: i realised that
hanniehae: so let's just hang out

pupgyu: OHH OHH
pupgyu: let's go to this restaurant
pupgyu: they've got yummy food!!

mingmingfrog: food again?
mingmingfrog: let's just go to an art museum
mingmingfrog: or go buy some stuff at an antique shop

pupgyu: but the food there is really good :(

mingmingfrog: stop eating
mingmingfrog: u pig

pupgyu: EXCUSE ME
pupgyu: I'll choke u with this >:(

mingmingfrog: im fine with jun choking me
mingmingfrog: so no thanks

hanniehae: how about we'll go to an art museum and after that we'll go to an antique shop
hanniehae: THEN will have dinner at that restaurant
hanniehae: would that be cool?

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