Frizz The Season (Part Two)

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Sorry for the super long wait!! I've been super busy with end of the semester lately, but here you go! Here's part two of my first Christmas one shot, with probably lots more to come!! Enjoy!

(Phineas' POV):

"Phineas! Phineas, wake up!" I heard an echoey voice call from above me, and my eyes squinted as I adjusted to the light. 

"Huh?" I asked groggily and opened my eyes to a pair of deep, sparkly blue eyes above me, and a little button nose. Whoever it was, looked very cute

"Good morning, sleepyhead!" the voice giggled, and I rubbed my eyes to clear them to find the raven haired girl above me. Huh, she's even cuter from just inches away. Might have to adjust that cute-locator. 

"Hi, Isabella... what are you doing here so early?" I asked. 

"Hey, that's my line! Whatcha doooin'?" she asked sweetly, drawing out the last word.

I stuttered, feeling my throat close up. I had no idea why I was all of a sudden so nervous, but all I could do was lay there.

"NoThInG!" I said, my voice cracking so bad, it sounded like a woodpecker and nails on a chalkboard had a baby.

Isabella giggled, and it made my insides twist up in knots. What the heck was wrong with me? "You okay?" she asked. 

"Uh... yeah!" I scrambled to get off the couch, but instead, rolled off the couch and flat on my face. "OOF!"


(Isabella's POV):

Phineas fell on the floor, and I couldn't help but laugh. I let out a stifled laugh, and Phineas turned his head to look at me with a death stare. Whoops...

"Sorry, Phineas! You-you jumped!" I grinned. 

"Really? I thought I crawled?" he smirked and stood up. 

"Wow, you're pretty salty this morning, aren't ya?" I asked, looking up at him. Phineas had grown quite a bit the last few years, and now he was towering above me. I had already stopped growing, but it seemed like Phineas got a few inches taller every time I saw him. 

"Sorry, Izzy, I fell asleep late last night." he said, and I could have sworn I saw a small blush on his face. 

"T-that's okay." I said softly, and then I got lost in his eyes and drifted away to Phineas Land.


All of a sudden, I was in a little rowboat in a shiny blue lake, with swans, frogs, and little lake creatures swimming around me. I was in a puffy pink dress with a lacy umbrella, and when I looked up, I saw none other than...

"Good evening, Isabella." Phineas said, rowing the boat while sitting on the other side, facing me. His fire engine red hair was slicked back and he was wearing a white suit with an orange tie. I giggled at the sight and he grabbed my hand and kissed it. 

"Oh, Phineas... what are we doing today?" I asked. 

"I'm taking you on the most romantic date ever, Isabella. I love you so much. You're so beautiful, and I don't know how I didn't see it this whole time, but I will be with you forever. And ever, and ever, and ever, Isabella, Isabella, Isabella, Isabella." he said, but kept saying my name. I quirked an eyebrow. 

"Uh, Phineas... you don't have to keep saying my name." I laughed, but he kept saying it. 

"Isabella, Isabella, Isabella..." he continued. 

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