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Hey, I'm back! Sorry, this took a little longer than usual, I know. Hopefully this chapter will make up for it. By the way, what do ya'll think about Spy School becoming a movie? Are you going to watch it? Thanks Mambafied, for your amazing support!!! Chapter 5 is for you!

Nicaraguan Historic Sites Visitor Center

April 26

0630 hours

After a few hours of much needed sleep, Erica and I prepared for reconnaissance. Yay. I would usually be ecstatic that Erica had let me come with her, but between the sudden travel and the pressure of war threats, I would much rather stay in bed without the world's safety depending on me. As we neared the building, we made quick work of scaling a nearby tree and shooting a grappling hook out onto the glass roof. We held on to the other end of the rope and swung onto the top of the building. Erica used the blade from her Swiss Army Knife to cut the sealant around one of the glass panels before we slid it out of the roof and lowered ourselves inside.

The building was nice; cold marble floors and columns, a large central desk in the rotunda that we had just broken into. I walked over to it and began flipping through brochures. Erica followed me, and she began to hack into the computer. I was becoming absorbed in my work, so I was surprised to her her voice.

"Ben?" she asked. I glanced up, scared that something was wrong.


"Look at this. The monument used to be the a city. The Spanish built it in the 1500's, and they had control of the coast until the British invaded. So that must be why they were so offended when the site was blown up." 

"Well, if Britain knew that the Spanish would retaliate, why would they attack?" Erica shrugged.

"You're right. It doesn't make sense. I don't know. Let's get back to the hotel to do more research." I nodded and headed for our entrance point. But Erica spoke again. "I think we need to talk." Those words sent shivers down my spine. I was 74% sure that I knew exactly what she wanted to talk about, and I hoped that I would like what she had to say. But I decided that the best course of action would be to play dumb.

"About what?" i replied, not looking up.


That confirmed it. Erica did think that something serious was going on. I set down the brochures and gave her my full attention. But those beautiful icy blue eyes were no longer looking at me. Instead, they had focused on the hallway behind me. "Wait. I hear someone."

Shooting each other concerned glances, we both hopped over the desk and marched over to the hall. Finding nothing, we were prepared to turn back around when a figure leapt out of the shadows and pounced on me. I gasped for air, still reeling from being tackled to the ground when his fist came flying towards my face. I quickly grabbed it and twisted it behind his back before slamming him into the wall. I wrenched his other hand behind his back as well, and Eric stepped in to zip tie the heavily panting assailant. I was feeling rather proud of myself when something occurred to me.

There are only a few people that I can beat in a fight. And most trained operatives are not on the list. As Erica shoved him into one of the rotunda's chairs, we exchanged a glance. Obviously, she was thinking what I was thinking. We looked at the mask.

"Pull it off," I said. 

"No, you!"

"No, you!"


"Someone just do it already, the suspense is killing me!" our attacker complained. I whipped off his mask to reveal none other than my nemesis. Murray Hill.

What will happen now that Murray is here? Let me know what you think, and please vote! This is an edit of the last chap, btw.


Spy School: Spanish SabotageWhere stories live. Discover now