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This one is for lemilkafficianado. No one seemed to get the reference from the last chapter. FYI, it was from the movie Miss Congeniality. The scene I quoted is above. Ok, enough of me. Here is Chapter Three. (Ooh, that rhymed. Ok I'm done for real this time.......)

Managua National Airport

April 26

0100 hours

I dragged my suitcase behind me as I walked with Erica past an astounding amount of tropical themed airport gift shops. My hair was a mess, my eyes were droopy and bloodshot, and my legs felt like jelly. I was almost too tired to function, but Erica seemed just fine- almost energetic. Knowing her, she had probably been training to stay up for more than 24 hours at a time since she was four.

I continued scanning the isles of cheap shops until I finally found one that sold clothes. I cleared my throat and pointed to it when Erica glanced at me. We walked inside and grabbed a couple pairs of shorts and some touristy T-shirts. Erica slapped some cordobas on the counter before we left. We continued on until my hunger overwhelmed me and I stopped walking.

"Want something to eat?" I asked, but it came out as more of a plea. I could tell that Erica wanted to chide me for not sleeping or eating on the plane, but surprisingly she didn't say anything. Instead, she walked over to a nearby tropical themed coffee shop and held the door open for me. I dragged myself inside and over to a nearby table to set down my items. Erica did the same, and we bought two quiches. As we ate, she began to make conversation.

"So, how was the hospital?" she asked dryly, a hint of a smirk on her lips.

"Pretty boring, actually. No bad guys," I frowned. "I just stared at a cement wall and ate Jell-o." Erica chuckled, and I had to take another bite of my quiche to prevent myself from looking shocked. She had told me to stop being so surprised when she 'acted human,' so I've been trying to make her feel a little more comfortable. I smiled.

"What were you doing without me? I know it must have been dreadfully dull," I asked sarcastically. "You better not have done anything fun without me." I raised my eyebrows as I said this.

"Oh yes, I had such a great time. I took down two terrorist cells and captured a deadly assassin. I definitely didn't do any paperwork for you or me," she gave me a pointed look. I smiled sheepishly. I didn't realize that she had taken over the paperwork for both of us. One stack was about as tall as the Nathan Hale building. "There wasn't that much to do; just filling out a bunch of useless things that the government can-" Erica suddenly stopped in the middle of her sentence. She stared at the door before quickly facing the other direction. I cocked my head at her, and she beckoned me to look. My eyes fell upon the person that I least expected to see in Nicaragua.

Trixie Hale.

She seemed to be with some friends from her school, and they were all laughing and talking. I looked at Erica, suddenly alarmed. She couldn't see us, or the whole mission would be busted - not to mention the sisters' relationship. But Erica was one step ahead, per usual. She pushed open the doors to the kitchen and walked inside, dragging me behind her. Once we reached the staff locker room, she handed me my bag of new clothes. She wanted me to change into them.

"Why can't we just disguise ourselves as waiters?" I inquired, feeling proud of my idea.

"We would be stuck inside the entire time her little posse is here. Plus, she might recognize us," Erica said flatly, immediately shooting down my scheme. I flushed, mentally kicking myself for not realizing that. I grabbed my tourist outfit and changed clothes. Erica changed too; also styling her hair and putting colored contacts in her eyes. She handed me a hat, which I put on, before we exited the kitchen and walked towards the door. Erica was a little ahead of me, so she reached the door before the nearby waiter tripped on a dirty napkin lying on the floor. But I was right in his way. Not having time to walk to the door, I quickly dodged him; but in the process, I accidentally bumped into Trixie's chair.

"Sorry," I mumbled, keeping my head down and my voice low to avoid revealing my identity. But she recognized me anyways.

"Ben?" she asked.

That's chapter three folks. If you want me to reference something in my next chapter, let me know on my feed. In the meantime, tell me your opinions on this chapter in the comments. Thanks!

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