New friend

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Hey, yall! Here's a new chap! More Mirio in this. Lol


         As he says that, I nod "uh, Sure..." I get in the boat rocking it and almost losing my balance but sit down in front of him. I look back at the house but see nothing happen. Hoping to see a light turn on. But nothing happened. I turn back to Mirio "So, Mirio, how did you know I was here?" He turned his attention from rowing and smiled at me "oh, I saw you walking across the way when you were headed to this mansion. I kept trying to look out to see if I could see you walking back, but I never did, so I came to see if you were still here, to my luck, you were standing on the steps looking scared." He says in a cheerful voice

         He rubbed the back of his neck with a nervous smile on his face. "Oh, I didn't know anyone lived on the lake. Sorry to trouble you like this." I say without emotion. But he said I was looking scared? I guess im changing then? He shakes his head at me, getting my attention "Its no trouble at all! Just making sure you were ok. Are you new here then?" I nod not answering his question with words. I just look out at the lake. He nods, not sure how to react to that as well. We slowly get to the other side and see lights to help us see on the doc. 

         He gets out of the boat after tying it down so that we dont fall in the lake. He holds out his hand for me to take. I dont hesitate on grabbing his big warm hand. He pulls me out of the boat and onto the doc, as I find my balance again, I notice he was still holding my hand. I look down at our connected hands, his hand completely covers mine, I hadn't realized my hands were that small. As he looked down to see what caught my attention, he now remembers that my hand was in his, im guessing since i see a look of surprise on his face. "oh, wow, sorry about that. I hadn't realized I was still holding your hand." He says as he pulls his hand away from mine. 

                Feeling the coolness of the air around us on my hand, i miss the warmth that his hand gave mine. Not sure why, or what this feeling is. But i guess ill learn it in time. He smiles at me with that goofy little smile. "Oh, You'll probably need to get home now. Its getting dark." He gives me directions back and i head off as fast as i can. Once i get there Hizashi asks about my day and Shota just sits and listens. Hes working on something at the moment. When I told them I rode in Mirio's boat Hizashi squeals with excitement.

                "Oh wow, that must have been so cool! Mirio doesn't usually ride his boat, let alone have someone ride with him! That is exciting. But also the high and low tides change in the day and night time. So you have to be careful ok?" Shota nods and sighs "The moon and water, what an amazing thing." We all then sat down at the dinner table, and started to eat dinner. As we were done eating Hizashi and Shota started to tell me about the old house across the lake.

                 "It use to belong to some fancy foreigners. It was a summer cottage. But they moved away to let the old house rot. So its abandoned now adays" Hizashi explains to me. It is a rather sad tale. But I keep thinking about it and wonder why I saw all the lights on. Maybe that was just me? Who knows?

                    We all finished dinner and I was helping shota clean up before bed. He doesn't really talk much a and looks tired all the time. "Hey, uh, do you wanna head to bed? I can finish these." I gestured to the dishes as i asked a little nervous. Because even if he looks tired he seemed grouchy all the time. I didn't want to get yelled at. He looked at me and shook his head "No, I've got this, you should get up to bed now. It is pretty late." I nod, not wanting to argue since this wasn't my house. 

                     I head up to the room they are letting me stay in. I go over to the closet and pick out my pajamas for the night. I quickly change and head to bed. Not knowing what was in store for me.. I laid my head on the pillow and covered up. I was soon asleep. As i was sleeping, I started to dream. 

                    I was suddenly in the lake walking towards the old mansion. It was foggy and the water level was down. How did i get here? I wondered but kept going until i looked up to see, one of the bedroom lights were on.  I kept walking, not paying attention to anything else but the bedroom with the lights on. As I got closer, i realized the water was getting deeper, I gasp and rush over to a patch of dry land. I got out of the water and looked up at the bedroom again. This time i see an older women with a young girl, brushing her hair, almost too harshly. I wonder why yet again. But as i do, I wake up in the room im staying in with a gasp of surprise.

                    All I could think about was, Who were they? Why were they there? I need to go check on it again and maybe draw more of it. 


A/N: Sorry about that guys, Ive been very busy. I just wish I could upload more for you. Anyway, I hope you enjoyed this chapter. More to follow! Bye Bye~

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