The old mansion

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A/N: They there lovelies :) Hope your having a good day! I'll be posting more chapters every two weeks.


      I get up and walk over to the balcony door, I open it with a spring in my step. I'm oddly happy today. As I get outside I look out over the view I have. "welp, time to go before I lose inspiration from that dream. I wanna draw it again. I wonder if Shota and Hizashi will let me go out today." I go back inside more excited than going out. I close the balcony door and go over to the closet I have my clothes in. I pick out a tan pair of overalls and a royal blue shirt to go with my blue and white shoes.

      I quickly get dressed, then head over to the desk to grab my sketchbook and pencils with eraser ends, I then rush to get out the front door, not seeing Shota or Hizashi inside. I see Hizashi hanging up wet clothes on the clothing line with pens. 

      I call over to him "See you later!" As I was running to get to the front gate to the house. Hizashi calls out to me this time, "hey! Y/N, wait! I have to go drop some stuff off to a friend, so I'll go with you." I sigh, not really minding it but still wanting to go draw. I wait for him as he gathers all he needs, We then head out, Hizashi is holding a basket of yarn, I'm not sure why though.

      As we walk Hizashi is trying to keep up a conversation with me but I'm not sure how to respond, only doing some head nods and short replies that consist of "yeah, oh, mhm" We soon arrive at Hizashi's friends house. We ring the doorbell and wait for an answer. We don't have to wait long because she is ready for us. She greets us as she opens the door. 

      She lets Hizashi and I in and he puts the basket down where she needs it. She smiles at him, "thank you so much Yamada-san, I appreciate it greatly." She says in a happy tone, Hizashi smiles " Of course Nemuri, I couldn't leave a friend in need. Besides we had way too much and Shota was nagging me about getting rid of it." He chuckles as he finishes his sentence. Nemuri-san just smiles "Ok, tell Shota I said thank you"

       Hizashi just smiles and nods. He then looks back at me then back at Nemuri, "ah, Nemuri this is Y/N, She is staying with us until the end of summer, her mom sent her." Nemuri looks me up and down. She smiles and reaches forward, taking my hand in hers. We then shake hands, It's so nice to meet you Y/N! I've heard so much about you from Hizashi and Shota. All good things rest assured." 

       I smile at her and say shyly but a bit quietly, "it's nice to meet you too Nemuri-san." That's all I can get out and we let go of each other's hands. I look at Hizashi, "is it ok if I go draw now?" Hizashi nods. "Of course! Go have fun, just be home before dark ok?" I nod and rush outside.

          Nemuri turns to Hizashi and smiles, "She is really shy isn't she?" Hizashi nods and they chat for a while. I rush down to the lakeshore, as soon as I make it there, I see someone else there as well. She seems to be painting it so I sit a good distance away from her so I don't disturb her. I sit down on the side of the small hill. 

            I get my sketchbook open on a blank page and take out my pencil, I then get comfortable and look at the mansion. I start drawing, I get so into it that I don't realize the women left and it started getting dark. I also don't remember when I fell asleep because when I woke up, I was still on the shore but without my sketchbook and pencil. I look around, "the tides gone out?" I then look behind me and see the mansion. The bedroom light is lit again.

         Again I see the same pair that was in my dream last night, but this time it seems a little different; the girl is struggling a lot more. It also seems like the other woman, grandma, was being a bit too forceful. The girl stands up and seems annoyed, she stomps on the ground and that's when I wake up in bed. 

          I looked around wondering how I got back, but I remembered I had to come back before it got too late, only to be scolded by Hizashi and Shota for not being here before dark. I also see a really old kimono sitting on my bed. I have no idea why it's there. I get up and get dressed, go downstairs and ask them what it's all about.

         Hizashi smiles, "oh, that kimono was our daughters, but Nemuri invited you yesterday to go with her and a friend's daughter to the festival happening today. I figured you'd need some interaction with kids your age. Maybe then you can make some friends huh?" He seems cheery for someone who wakes up early. 

          I sigh, "oh, ok. What time do I have to be ready?" Genuine curiosity filling my voice. I have only met Nemuri, not this friend. He smiles, "around 7:30- 8 o'clock, so you have time to kill before then. Maybe you should try on that kimono, see if it fits you."

         I nod and head upstairs to try on the kimono. As I finish the final touches, I look in the mirror that was in my room. It was a full length body one. It looks really good on me. I wonder how old their daughter was when she wore it herself? I'll have to ask later. I look at the clock to see it hit noon, I take off the kimono and get ready for lunch. I wonder what they have at this festival?


A/N: Hi lovelies, hope you liked this chapter. I'm putting more and more. Have a good day and see you in the next chapter.

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