Thats who she was....

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A/N: This is the last chapter. It was a very fun experience since this is the first book I've ever really written. Have a good read. :)


I dont look at him as Im gazing out at the view I have. He smiles as he sees me out on the balcony "Mirio has come to see you." I turn to him slowly and smile "Thanks" I walk out of the room with Hizashi following me. "Oh, you didn't want to see him in your room?" I smile and shake my head, I know Im wearing Pjs but I would rather go out "No I'll go out. It feels nice out"

I walk out of the house with Shota and Hizashi watching over me. I smile "Hi Mirio." He turns around and smiles at me. He hands me a bag of home-made cookies. "Glad your feeling better" I smile and take them gently "Thanks very much" I sit beside him on the porch. He then gets to looking in his bag be brought with him. "Something else. Reading this made me think you might be at the silo"

He hands me a few pieces of paper. I look over them and see its the missing pieces of Marnie's diary "You know, Somethings I remember and some I dont." He smiles and starts kicking his feet back and fourth. "Well, I think this might help you. I found a clue in this painting that was behind the bookshelf. Maybe im psychic. Turn it over" I nod and turn it over and read what's written on the back. It says to Marnie from Emi. "Emi?"

Mirio looks at me confused "Huh?" I frown and rush into the house to change and get ready. I then come out 30 minutes later and walk over to him "We have to go down to the lake shore. We have to go see Emi!" I start rushing down there with Mirio walking behind me. We make it to the lake shore and walk over to Emi. We explain everything and had her Marnie's diary. She takes her time in reading over the words Marnie wrote.

"Can you tell us what you know about her? It would really mean a lot to me" Mirio nods as well. She sighs "Of course, But im afraid its a rather sad story." I look at her determined, I want to know more about Marnie than I already do. "Im ready for it." She looks off in the distance remembering from the very beginning "It was a very long time ago. I used to play at the old mansion quite often. Marnie and I were very little and Marnie loved to boast about her glamorous parents and their extravagant parties. But the truth is, she was being neglected."

"That poor child, seems like even the maids were bullying her." She looks down and takes off her glasses to clean them "Later, Marnie moved to Sapporo and married Kazuhiko, Her childhood friend." I cant help but imagine everything she is telling us. "With her family torn apart and feeling lost. It was Kazuhiko who was always there to support her." Mirio gets excited "How romantic, So Kazuhiko was a good guy!"

      Emi continued "Two years later, Kota was born. Living at last in the warm household she'd always wanted, Marnie was happy" She puts her glasses back on and looks at us "I didnt see her for quite a while after that. The next time I saw her was, a few years after Kazuhiko died of an Illness. Marnie was distraught, the shock of her husbands death left her too ill." She stands up and looks at the old mansion "And she was placed in a sanitorium" Mirio looks at me and asks "What's a sanitorium?" I look down sadly "Its a place you go to get better" 

      He got what I meant and frowns, looking at Emi sadly "Thats super awful. What happened to Kota?" She looks back at us and smiles sadly "Marnie's parents had passed away, leaving no one to look after Kota. Unable to cope, Marnie felt she had no choice. She had sent young Kota off to boarding school." She sighs and wipes some tears off her face "By the time Kota returned by the age 13, He had completely became a different child, they said. He was willful and Independent and even though he knew his mother had been ill, Kota bore a grudge for being sent away at an early age." 

       She looks off into the distance again, trying to recount what she heard. "They had a big fight after that. They never did make up. Kota ran away from home and soon got married. Kota's wife was expecting you see, But then, one night Kota and his wife died in a car accident." She touches her painting specifically Marnie's name "I heard that Marnie took their little girl in, she was determined to never let this child be lonely. Still she couldn't get over the shock of losing Kota. Marnie became very ill and died the next year. That was about ten years ago." 

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