Ruined clothes and arguments

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A/N: Whoop! Another one bites the dust! Have fun with this one. I think you will get a real kick out of it. ;)


         We quickly get to the other side of the lake and she lets me get out, I turn back to thank her, "Thank yo-" She was already gone... Row boat and all. I didn't hear anything from the water or boat. I sigh and start walking back to the Yamadas. I take off my shoes and walk barefoot, I walk up the hidden path and make it to the house when I hear someone shouting.

         "She just ran off! You didn't warn me that she would completely flip out like that!" I recognize that voice from anywhere. She sounds angry because I ran off, "We didn't know she would act like that either. But she should be ok. She will come back on her own."

       Hizashi says, he has a lot of confidence in me. Nemuri-san sighs, "But that's not even the worst part, Mirio and i got into an argument over it. I have no idea where he is." She sounds super worried.

       Maybe I should go look for him, "Its fine, he was just here. We sent him home and promised to update him about the situation later. Just like we will you." Hizashi says reassuringly.

        Nemuri-san sighs as if accepting this, I hear chairs shuffle and people standing up. Im guessing they are walking to the front door, "I suppose so. Just tell her I need to speak with her when I can." Hizashi chuckles, "Will do, now have a safe trip home ok?"

       I hear Nemuri-san sigh and nod, I hide beside the house and wait for her to get  out of view to come over to the front door. Shota noticed me firs then Hizashi, "Welcome home Y/N, you need some dinner huh?" Shota says nonchalantly all the while Hizashi is pushing me inside.

        I look down at my kimono and see I got the ends of it muddy, "im so sorry, I didn't mean-" Hizashi cuts me off like I wasn't talking, "No worries, its old and mud comes out of it easily." Shota sighs, "go get changed. Ok? We will wash it." I just nod and head upstairs. As soon as I get up to my room, I strip down and put on clean pjs. I then bring the kimono downstairs to Hizashi, He puts them in the washer as I go back upstairs.

      I go over to the balcony and step out onto it. I look out at the view, it always looks different at night. Its also more peaceful, all I hear is the crickets, I see the bright stars and the moon. Its so clear, I love it. I start getting a little cold so I head back inside and lay in bed. I start drifting off to sleep as soon as my head hit the pillow. 

       ~Time skip~

      I was sitting on the bed reading another post card sent by my aunt, or in this case, my mom.  She's always worrying about me.  She put a whole paragraph on here, how was she able to fit this much? I sigh and move it out of the way, As I do, the drawing I made of Marnie is open and on my lap. I stare at it for a ew minutes until Hizashi calls me down for watermelon. 

     I look up at the clock to see it was 1:15 pm, It was two hours until high tide. I hear Hizashi calling for me again. I sigh and get up from the bed, I leave my sketch book on the bed as well. I head downstairs and get some watermelon. I eat some and then clean myself up before rushing down to the lake shore.

     I get to the lake shore, but I dont see the row boat like I did last time. I started to feel disappointed until I heard something coming towards me. I look towards the water, to see the one and only row boat. The row boat that is currently containing Marnie as well. I smile feeling relieved, I come closer to the waters edge. I help Marnie stop the boat before it crashed into the shore line. 

   Marnie smiles at me, "Hop in, I've got a picnic. I brought juice and cookies." I get in and look at her a little bit surprised, "a picnic? At this hour?" I asked, she just smiles at me, "why not? Lets go to the far side of the cove." she starts rowing us there, all I can do is watch her. Feeling as if I've known her all my life, but cant place where.

   I smile getting side tracked, "your much better than me at rowing." she looks at me with encouragement, "anyone can do it, here let me show you. Come sit with me" I nod and do as she tells me. But she gets up and gets behind me, she hands me the ores and holds them with me. We start rowing together. After a few minutes she says, "your doing fine" she keeps helping me row.

    "remember I said last night, that your my precious secret?" we keep rowing and I look back at her. I smile, "I remember, and I love that your my secret" she smiles at me, "Im glad" she then lets go of the ores. I start to panic still not use to rowing, "hey wait, no... Y-Y-You let go" she just giggles at me. I start to awkwardly row, after a few strokes I start getting the hang of it. 

    Marnie smiles, "good, very good!" I look back at her, and smile. Then I see her step on the edge of the boat, "please be careful" she completely ignores me and stands there with her arms open, Her green dress flowing in the wind along with her long blond hair,  "go ahead, just row" I comply to her wishes. I start rowing again.


A/N: Hi lovelies! Another one for you. In the next few chapters Mirio pops up a lot more. Not just with his quirk. Even though this is a non- quirk Au. Sorry about that

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