chapter 6

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Song: The 30th, Billie Eilish


Sarah Paulson loves me

Time passed by so quickly while we were looking at the sky. It was cold so we were hugging tighly in order to keep ourselves warm

'Wanna go to my place? I've stayed so many times in yours, I feel bad' I said looking at her

'Don't feel bad, you can come anytime you want to. I'm glad having you over' I felt kind of relieved to be honest 'But sure, I'd love to see where you live too' she said smiling

We got up, Sarah grabbed my hand and we started walking to her car. I was so tired that I almost fell down while walking down the hill and Sarah grabbed my hand harder, while we both laughed

We got into her car and I couldn't stop smiling. This night was magical. I closed my eyes and I almost fell asleep but Sarah started shaking me

'Whaaat' I said to her with my eyes still closed

'I need directions to your house you know? I literally have no idea where you live' I sighed and I turned on my phone. I clicked on the app 'Maps' and I entered my address so that she could watch the directions herself

'Here. Now let me sleep' I said while giving the phone to her and I went to sleep again

'Fine. Just go to sleep' I didn't answer to her and I turned my head so that I could face the window. After a while, even with my eyes closed, I was blinded by a bright light and I opened my eyes. I saw a car coming towards us and wouldn't reduce the speed

'SARAH WATCH OUT' I yelled at her but she was looking for the directions on my phone and didn't notice the car. And it was too late

I opened my eyes again wondering where I am. I remembered the car crash and I panicked. I felt something on my forehead and I looked in the mirror. It was covered in blood

I turned to look at Sarah and she was lying on the steering wheel with blood all over her face too. I screamed and I tried to wake her up but she wouldn't open her eyes and I started crying

I grabbed her wrist hoping that I could still feel her heartbeat. Thank god i thought to myself when I finally sensed one. I took my phone from her hand and I called 911

'911 what's your emergency'

'Hi, my girlfriend and I had a car crush, and I can't wake her up. Sarah please wake up' I told her crying while I was trying to make Sarah wake up

'Can you feel a heartbeat?' The woman asked

'Yes, yes she is still alive, but she has blood all over her face. I need an ambulance! Please!'

'Where are you miss?' I didn't know what to answer. I had no idea where we were. I started panicking even more than I was before 'Miss? Can you hear me?' She asked again

'I don't know where we are.. Can you please locate the call? We are up on a hill but I am not quite sure where exactly' I said to her

'Okay miss, I found your location, an ambulance will be there in 10 minutes' I felt so relieved

'Thank you' I said and I hang up 'Don't worry baby, they are on their way to get us to the hospital. You will be okay' I said with tears running all over my face and I was hugging her cold body.

It was all my fault. How stupid was I. She is hurt and it's all because of me. Stupid me wanted to go to sleep like a baby instead of giving her directions to my place myself. But nooo i insisted on giving her the phone and now she is hurt

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