Chapter 2

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Me ,Courage and Aunt Muriel where out feeding the birds in the park " Aunt Muriel its a grate day today" " oh why yes (y/n) it is what do you think Courage?" " Birds I don't like birds they always make fun of me" he said as birds looked at him and made funny faces as he then hid in Muriel's jacket "Courage will you be spending all after noon in there" She said opining it to show Courage's eye and see somthing in the corner of my eye but shrugged it off but Courage seemed to see it too " what was that" and a fox came out as he was orange with sunglasses as the fox looks up to the now sleeping Muriel and then to me " Now who's the doll" as he grabs Courage throws him on a fountain fish hand and grabs Muriel and me "HEY LET ME GO" I yell "sorry doll but your granny is going to make a great stew and your going to make a perfect lover~" " I ant being anyone's lover" " well now you are doll" I was about to yell but he then put Muriel in his mouth and me behind his back as I gagged but Courage came with a big baseball bat like salami and when he asked where we were he just shrugged and Courage then hit his foot with the salami and out came the still sleeping Muriel on his tongue as he then dropped me as Courage picked us and ran and as we were on the sidewalk in the city a taxi pulled up and the door opened up hitting Courage as flung up a few feat and fell down in the foxes hands " I do truly thank you and pulls us in, closes the door and speed off "who even are you" "why I'm Cajun fox doll~" pop "aw man" he said grabbing us like before and a air pump and took us outside and suddenly me and Muriel where lifted off the ground by Courage and our places were replaced by bombs as they exploded and all of us were then on the ground "oh Muriel,(y/n) don't worry that fox he is way behind us now" as I herd a sound and turned around " I wouldn't count on that" as Cajun fox came and ran Courage over with a steamroller and grabs us both I was still silent looking away and as far as I could " oh come on doll talk to me" as we hit a something and looking down and saw a road closed board with a mushed Courage as we all suddenly in the air I was holding on Muriel as we both hit the ground as I was very dazed I couldn't see very clearly but all I could see is we where moving " oooh I love you Courage" "I ant Courage doll" as I quickly tried to make my dizziness go away and when I did we where walking away but up ahead there was Courage in a fake mustache and when he got all three he got hit with a boxer glove punches me as Courage grabs us and ran until  we reached a telephone pole and put us down as I stud up as Courage tried to explain to the operator as a cop car came as I sighed in relief but when the door opend up to show Cajun fox in a officer outfit I wanted but was paralyzed and when he hit Courage with baton and took us in a plane "oh no" I say as I look around I was sitting by Muriel Cajun fox was behind me as I slowly fell asleep laying on the sleeping Muriel.

Cajun Fox p.o.v 

That stupid dog is ruining everything first he's trying to stop my granny stew and second he's trying to take my doll face away when I saw her it was love at first sight and soon we will both have a great granny stew with her holding onto my arm and then we can have over 20 children but that stupid dog is getting in the way and he let go of then end plane and I flew back down as he landed in where I was sitting his face down "go on make your self right at home" I say and I grabbed and started to strangle him but when both of us herd a thump and looked up to see a sleeping granny holding a sleeping (y/n) as they both are on the east wing as the plane started tipping and both me and that dog ran to the opposite side but when we started tipping again we both ran back to the other side "This is all your fault" the dog said "my fault"  "ya your trying to make a stew out of her and (y/n) something else" "she is going to be a Mittie fine one she gonna be" and then the granny stepped of the plane as we both scream but when we look under the plane she was walking under it still holding my doll as I sigh " I new she was there all along" I say but in reality I didn't but when I herd two siren sounds I screamed as the plane crashed in a mountain making everything explode and fall and when I hit the ground and came up I looked for the granny and doll and when I did find them I picked them both up and started running but tripped over a rock but when that dog tried to catch them but the end of the cliff was in front of him "going somewhere" I say pushing him off the end and caught them both and run to my house and putting doll on a chair while I cooked salted, rolled and tried to put in the pot but she was heavy but then a scream came along with the roof as I looked up to see the stupid dog.

(y/n) p.o.v

I woke up sitting on a chair and Courage on top of Muriel but no Cajun fox anywhere as Muriel woke up "Courage, (y/n) where am I what's that delicious smell" I then sniff the air It smelled good "Is that Cajun fox stew, Courage (y/n) would ye like some" "no no fox stew is not for you" I giggle now knowing what happened "I'm fine aunt Muriel".

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