Chapter 14: Chocolate Chip Cookies

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I'm posting a bit early today so I don't forget. Happy Monday!

Cassie's POV:

Turns out McGonagall was leading us to the headmaster's office. The long walk there was filled with lots of poorly timed jokes and uncomfortable silence.

I felt my guts twisting in my abdomen as I trudged up the stone stairs that lead to a large room full of many treasures and trinkets. My worries seemed to melt away as my eyes travel around the room. Hidden in the nooks and crannies are all the books I could imagine, each embossed with stunning covers and spines. Among the books were hidden trinkets that reminded me of those belonging to the Hogwart's founders themselves, laden with gold and silver designs.

James and Sirius did not seem to pay much attention to the beauty of such objects. Instead, they held their hands behind their backs and fidgeted with the embroidered carpet with their shoes.

Looking up at the old headmaster, I expected to find him to be glaring at me or at least angry, but again find him with the same twinkle in his eyes that was present during the feast.

"Minnie you may be excused." Dumbledore's voice has an eerie calmness to it that makes me squirm in my seat. My eyes narrow as I realize that he just called the professor, who had threatened me with detention many times, Minnie. And she didn't flinch or yell at him. It must have been her first name.

'Dang,' I think to myself, 'this dude really is powerful'.

Minnie McGonagall left and I made a point to give her an innocent-looking wave as she was leaving to which she rolled her eyes. We would get along just fine I decided.

"Well look who we have here." Dumbledore's smile never faltered and I knew deep down that he was not going to be mad at us even after all the chaos we had caused. I guess Remus did not have a ton to fear when he escaped before getting caught.

The Headmaster snapped his fingers and on the table in front of us appeared a pot of tea with four cups and a tray of biscuits. I looked up at him skeptical that the biscuits have been poisoned or something along the lines. There is no way we had gotten away with so much and still not gotten punished.

"Go ahead," he must have sensed our confusion, "help yourselves."

"But Professor, shouldn't we be punished? For making a mess of the library?" James ran his hand through his hair once more, a habit that had begun to tick me off. There was no controlling James's hair, but he didn't need to go messing it up even more.

The silver-haired wizard only chuckled and grabbed a biscuit from the tray. A gurgle came from my stomach and I decided to test my luck by grabbing a biscuit. The biscuit was soft and had chunks of chocolate spread throughout it. I had not had anything like it before and its warm gooeyness made me feel warm inside.

I was so entranced by the pastry that I did not notice the other boys had grabbed a biscuit. Dumbledore spoke up as I grabbed my second biscuit.

"They are a specialty in the States known as Chocolate Chip Cookies. They are a favorite of mine and I thought you three would rather enjoy them." He had thought right. They were delicious.

"Now, about the library," the three of us stopped eating our biscuits and looked up at the wizard, "while I cannot relieve your ban, there will be no other punishment." I gawk at the teacher and the words spin in my mind. My mother would have had my head for such a disturbance and here I am left unscathed?

The biscuit falls from my hand. Before it can hit the beautiful carpet, it is whisked away by magic and returned to my hand.

"If you have nothing else you wish to discuss, you may be excused and enjoy your time until dinner."

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