chapter 2: Pride and Hopefully Not Prejudice

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The awkward silence that had surrounded the group had begun to fade after around an hour or so. With another 5 hours to go and it being their first train ride to school, no one had wanted to remain in silence. Peter was ultimately the one to break the silence. 

"Oh gross!" he gagged, "I can still smell the prefects' compartment from here." Remus let out a snort but quickly covered his mouth as if embarrassed by the action. The scarred boy's reaction had caused James and Sirius to cackle then proceed to scrunch up their noses in disgust. 

Cassiopeia caught a whiff of the awful stench that resembled that of a dung bomb. She and Sirius had found one in Diagon Alley one year and lit it under the dining room table. It smelled horrible. To say they got in a crap ton of trouble was an understatement. Kreature hated it the most, which was strange because he lived in a cabinet that smelled very similar. The house elf then took it upon himself to be a jerk to show how mad it made him so the twins returned the behavior. Every time he gave them their tea cold or put a hair in their dinner, they would make him clean everything at least three times or 'accidentally' spill their lukewarm tea all over his clothing. The two had never been ones for physical violence, having had their fair share of it throughout the years, but when it came to Kreature, he deserved it, he was a downright prick.

"How many dungbombs did you set off Ja- Potter?" Cassiopeia found herself shocked that she had almost called him by his first name considering she had only known him for a couple of hours. 

James' smile turned slightly evil looking. "Oh you know... as many as I could carry in my pockets? Give or take. My dad gave me as a 'going away' present consisting of some pranking materials. Mum doesn't know about it though so none of you can snitch." His facial expression reeked of pride as if he had just done the best thing known to wizards.

"Mate that's awesome! I won't snitch if you won't snitch." James and Sirius shook on it while Remus rolled his eyes and went back to reading his book. 

James and Sirius were discussing possible pranks when a middle aged lady with a trolly full of sweets came to the door of the compartment asking if anyone would like to purchase some. Cassiopeia looked over her shoulder to see Remus looking at the cart longingly but not saying anything. She decided she would give him something in hopes of him warming up to her. She figured it wouldn't be a bad idea to keep him as a friend if her brother kept hanging out with James. A voice of reason would never hurt. 

"Yes please" she looked towards the trolly lady, "three chocolate frogs, two pumpkin pasties, and a box of Bertie Botts every flavor beans please." The trolly lady handed her the sweets and Cassiopeia got out the change. 

Cassie handed Sirius one the the chocolate frogs and a pumpkin pastie, knowing that they were two of his favorite sweets. She handed the last chocolate frog to Remus who looked shocked that she purchased him something.

"I really can't accept this-" Remus began but was cut off by Cassie smiling at him and placing the chocolate back in his lap. With a sigh, he opened the package and began to munch on the sweet. 

James on the other hand was not as sparing with the sweets as Cassie had been. He ordered about one of everything, two in some cases. With a mishevious grin on his face, he dumped them all on the space between where he and Peter had been sitting and started throwing random sweets at people. 

Getting sweets thrown at her might have been fun if half of them hadn't been a form of pastry and the other half hard candies.

Cassie watched as Peter happily sucked on an acid pop that had been thrown at him and Sirius as he picked pieces of cauldron cake off of his shirt. It had been really funny until Cassie got wapped with a licorish wand and fudge flies in her hair. She was about to send a glare towards James but what she saw made her snort so hard the Bertie Botts Every Flavor Bean she had been sucking on went up her nose. 

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