Beaten and forgotten

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I woke up and sat in my bed. I just sat there felling helpless. I mean can you blame me my best friend wait no almost like my sister is hurt and probably beaten to death. I heard grandma yell so i went downstairs and Kaylee was standing by the door. I said hang on I'll go change. I ran upstairs and changed. I ran down the stairs and ran outside were Kaylee was waiting. She was telling me how her new dad was hurting her and her mom. I was shocked. Kaylee said that it felt like her mom had forgotten about her. I told her thats crazy there's no way your her only daughter. She said yeah that's true. Today was Friday and it was summer so we didn't have school. Grandma came outside and yelled my name. Well grandma sometimes calls me pumpkin or Katie i know I'm in trouble when she calls me by my full name which is Kaitlynn Ann McCoy. But this time she yelled Kaitlynn i ran to the house she said tell Kaylee you have to go to ballet class.

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