Pointing to the door, Happy announced, "We ready to do this?"

Trying to ignore his churning stomach, which was threatening to bring up the coffee from earlier, Juice jumped up. "Why don't we give them a few more minutes?"

"We don't have a few more minutes," Happy snapped. "Cartel will be here soon. We need to handle our business, or they will."

Happy turned and started heading toward the door with Chibs following closely behind. Juice dashed forward, grabbing Chibs's arm. "Chibs, come on; do you really think they did this?" Juice asked, trying to keep his cool. "What's another ten minutes going to hurt?"

With a groan, Chibs looked back at Happy. "One more smoke and then we go in there."

Juice felt his heart start to slow a bit. Pointing to the outside, Juice announced, "I'm going to take a piss. When I get back, we can do what needs done."

Walking quickly to the outside, Juice was trying to sort through his head on how he was going to keep the prospects from having their existence terminated. Knowing that he could have prevented this from happening had he told Jax and Clay was too much for him to handle. He needed to make things right somehow.

Abby grabbed her cardigan and wrapped it around her. The wind was starting to pick up, causing a chill in the air. She looked over to see if Lucas needed anything, but he was engrossed in the soccer game. Glancing over at Lyla sitting beside her on the blanket, she nudged her arm.

"Aren't you cold?" Abby asked, looking at her skinny, bare arms.

Lyla shook her head as Abby observed the sadness in her eyes. She had called Lyla earlier that day to check on her. Abby had been trying to get a hold of her for several days to see if she wanted to talk about what happened with Ima at the clubhouse, but all she got was voicemail. Abby had checked in with Opie as to whether he had talked to Lyla, but he hadn't. She had gone to Mary's the day before to take Kenny and Ellie to Kenny's soccer game. As they drove to the park, Abby asked if either of them had seen or heard from Lyla, but they hadn't either. That morning, Abby decided that she'd try Lyla one more time. Much to her surprise, Lyla answered the phone. Abby knew Piper had a soccer game that night, so she offered to join Lyla which she agreed with a grateful "yes."

When Abby and Lucas arrived at the park, she decided that she wouldn't bring up Opie. She would let Lyla lead the conversation because she didn't want to pry. As much as she had grown to like Lyla and become friends with her, she knew that Lyla saw Abby as Opie's best friend, so it might be awkward for her to discuss the situation between the two of them.

Abby cheered as Piper's team scored a goal. Out of the corner of her eye, she saw Lyla smiling from ear to ear at Piper's assist on the goal. That was one of the things Abby immediately liked about Lyla; she was a good mom to not only Piper, but to Kenny and Ellie too. She hoped that as time went on, Lyla would continue to be a part of Kenny and Ellie's lives.

"Have you talked to Opie?"

Abby's attention turned to Lyla who had squeaked out the question, sounding as if she was going to break down into sobs. Abby nodded. "We had a long talk that night, but other than that, I've only talked to him about helping with the kids."

Lyla nodded slightly, as her head leaned forward. Sniffing back tears, she whispered, "I tried to love him, but it wasn't enough."

That statement hit Abby hard. She understood that feeling all too well. It was a feeling that she had over and over these past five years. She had moments where she would beat herself up over what happened with Juice. She would tell herself that if she had loved him more then maybe he would have wanted to leave Charming to be with her in Chicago. That maybe if she had loved him more, he wouldn't have suggested that she leave, and they would have lived together in Charming as happy as could be.

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