Slumber Party

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Wish me luck. Also it does get a little spicy at the end- :)

Tsukishima watched the small drops of water hit the window, creating a small tapping noise. Sipping his coffee, he kept tapping the keyboard on his laptop. I can't believe it had to rain, he thought.

"How am I supposed to get home without getting drenched?" He asked himself quietly. A small ringing came from the door. Tsukki looked up briefly to be met with a smirking feline, one who had golden eyes and messy black hair. Thankfully, Kuroo hadn't noticed Tsukki yet, so the salty dinosaur just went back to typing. The black-haired, golden-eyed man looked around. He saw girls staring and giggling at him. A man and a woman, probably on a date or something. Then his eyes landed on the crow of his dreams. He walked slowly over to the blonde.

"Hey blondie," He greeted Tsukishima. Tsukki glared at him.

"Don't call me that," He replied in a sharp tone. Kuroo sat down, resting his head in his hand, and his elbow on the table.

"Tsukki?" Kuroo tried again.

"No." Tsukishima tried his best to shut Kuroo down.

"Tsukishima?" A grin plastered onto Kuroo's face as he asked.

"Shut up." Tsukki glared harshly at the other volleyball player. Kuroo's grin faded.

"Blondie, it's rude to tell someone to shut up," Kuroo looked at him with a soft glare. Tsukishima rolled his eyes.

"Yeah, but it's useful. Especially when I don't want to talk to idiots like you." Kuroo grumbled as Tsukki spoke. How can one person be so mean?

"Be a little nicer," Kuroo whined.

"Then leave me alone." Tsukki went back to typing. Kuroo pouted.

"Bokuto wanted all of us to get together and hang out. Maybe sleep over." Kuroo explained.

"Too bad, I'm busy tonight." Tsukki immediately shut Kuroo down.

"Come on Blondie! Have a little fun! Plus, your whole team is coming." Kuroo tried his best to convince the blonde.

"Will you leave me alone if I do?" Kuroo nodded, answering Tsukki's question.

"Fine..." The saltiest of dinos reluctantly agreed.

Later that night

Tsukishima hesitated to knock on the door. Should I? He asked himself. He took a brief look behind him. It was pouring rain.

"Just get it over with already..." He knocked on the door slowly. He heard yelling from inside as footsteps bounded against the floor. The door flung open as he saw Bokuto and Kuroo fighting over who says hello first.

"HEY HEY HEY!!" Bokuto yelled his signature punch line. Kuroo shoved him.

"Hey Blondie!" He smiled.

"I told you not to call me that..." Tsukki grumbled.

"Bokuto, Kuroo, stop annoying Tsukishima. Let him come in too, it's pouring outside." Akaashi moved the other two men, clearing a path for Tsukishima. Tsukki nodded a "Thank you" and walked in, hearing the door shut behind him.

"Hey bean pole!" Noya laughed with Tanaka. Hinata and Kageyama were to busy having a staring contest.

"Hello Tsukki!" Yamaguchi smiled. The others greeted him.

"You can just put your bags in the room down the hall to the left. That's a guest room where you and Kuroo will be staying, other people will be laying on the floor in either air matresses or sleeping bags," Akaashi explained calmly. Tsukki blushed at the thought of sharing a bed with the rooster, but he didn't want to show it.

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