Lavender Bedsheets

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She felt like she was in a trance, she didn't know if she should listen to her true love and stop Sikowitz or hear Sikowitz out and just kiss him because he loved her like Sinjin and he was her best friend, he knew everything about her.
Y/N knew that Sinjin was never going to see her again, so she just went on with it.
Sikowitz interrupted the staring with a, "Hey Y/N,"
She blinked a bit, "Yeah?"
Sikowitz laid down on the bed and whispered, "Come down here". Y/N leaned back onto her lavender bedsheets with Sikowitz by her side, looking at each other again and both of their hearts melt. Y/N moves closer to Sikowitz, every inch closer, the more they want each other. Sikowitz put his hand on Y/N's face. She pushes his hand away remembering what Sinjin said in his note before, "Never forget how much I love you, Y/N."
"Huh?" Sikowitz said in confusion. "What's wrong?"
"You, Sikowitz. I love Sinjin and you said you would help me by being my 'mini-therapist for a while' until I get over him" she said confidently.
Sikowitz gasped and looked sad, "I'm sorry. I love you, though. Ever since I've been friends with you in the 2nd grade I had a crush on you. I thought you liked me back until Sinjin came in the picture. I am really sorry if I ruined anything between you guys."
Y/N's eyes frowed a bit as she was very confused, "What do you mean, 'ruined it'? If anything you helped me."
"No, no, I am the one that told your mom about you and Sinjin going on the date, not your brother. I pretended to be him on the phone so you would never see Sinjin again and I would have you for my own," said Sikowitz.
"Wh-what? How could you Sikowitz? I loved him. I really did. You ruined it!" Y/N said with tears down her face. "Leave, take your jacket too!"
Sikowitz walked out of her room with his head down and cried. He went down each stair with another tear down his face and went out the back door quietly so Y/N's parents couldn't hear.

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