Start from the beginning

"So you and Scott?" Carson wiggles her eyebrows.

"Um, it's going well, he's really sweet," she smiles.

"Aww you really like him," the girl teases.

"And you?" Allison asks.

"Oh I'm not a relationship kinda girl," she sips her coffee, sunglasses fogging just a bit from the heated drink.

"Why is that?" she asks.

"Cause they're too... complicated. Plus, I like having options," she laughs.

"But you don't wanna fall in love?" she pries.

"Love is overrated," she chuckles, looking down. "People put way too much weight on it."

"You say that now, until you fall for the right guy," Allison sings.

"No such thing. But, on the off chance that happens, I'll be sure to give you credit," she backs out of the parking space.


Preparing for the race, Carson felt herself nearly bouncing off the walls. So much so, she could not focus on anything. Now she understood how Stiles felt like 80 percent of the time.

"Carson! Get your ass out there and win this," Coach Smith yells.

"Got it Coach," she perked up.

Going in the water always felt calming for Carson. It was like all of her problems went away, and she could just be. Unfortunately she only got second place.

"Second place? Carson I know you could do better than that," her dad says over the phone.

"Yeah, I know, I was just tired," she sighs. "I've got a lot on my-"

"Try harder next time," he hangs up.

"Nice to know you care."

Checking the time, she realizes she only has an hour to get to the game on time, so she gets dressed and walks out into the cold.


"Hey Alli, I'll be right back. Gotta deal with the buzzcut boy," she smirks evilly, Allison laughing as she takes her purse.

"Hello Stiles," she walks over, with a creepy smile.

"Ok before you kill me, I'm really sorry Carson," he tells her.

"Yeah, well I had to stay up all night because of you, I needed you Stiles. I hardly ask you for anything. And because I was so tired, I lost the match. You know how my dad is about this," she groans. Normally this wouldn't really matter to anybody, but Stiles knew how serious her dad was about the whole swim thing, so he felt even worse.

"I'm really sorry Carson, I'll make it up to you. I promise," he swears.

"Don't bother, you'll just disappoint me again," she walks off, leaving a hurt Stiles.

Walking up the bleachers, she sits next to Allison and her dad.

"I'm surprised you didn't kill him," Allison laughs.

"Too many witnesses," she giggles.

"Hi Mr. Argent, I'm Carson Rivera," she holds her hand out.

"Nice to meet you," he smiles, shaking her hand as Lydia walks up.

"Which one's Scott again?" Argent asks.

"Number eleven, also known as the only one who hasn't caught a single ball the entire game," Lydia says.

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