Ep 19

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Taehyung's POV

Right now, I don't care even if I do love her. The only thing I care about is that she was getting close with Suga and I don't like it! I pinned her against the lockers as soon as we reached there. There was no one else in the corridor. Y/N looked at me with an annoyed expression, which made me feel more irritated.

"Take that annoyed look off your face!" I said, frowning. She rolled her eyes and said, "I won't look annoyed if you did not annoy me." "You! You were the one who annoyed me first!" I said, remembering her and Suga at the cafeteria. She frowned and said, "What the hell is wrong with you?! First off! You were with your precious Jungkook all the time! I should be the one getting angry! Secondly, I have NOT EVEN done anything!"

3rd person POV

"Yes you did!" said Tae through gritted teeth, "You were sitting there with Suga! Do you think I am blind?!" Y/N opened her mouth to say something but Taehyung ranted on, "You even let him hold your hand! I am your boyfriend! Don't get close with any other guy!" He looked at her full of jealousy and she just remained quiet.

"You..." Y/N began. "What me?" Taehyung said, glaring at her, "I don't like Suga! So stay the hell away from him!" "What about you and Jungkook then?" Y/N demanded. "Jungkook is a guy, for god's sake!" Taehyung said. Y/N just looked at him with annoyance and said, "If that's the case, you can't stop me from making new friends! I was left alone there and that's when Yoongi came to talk to me. You can't stop me from talking with him!" 

She glared at him but Taehyung's face became dark as he said, "I would like to see you try." "What-" Y/N began but was cut off by Taehyung kissing her possessively. He pulled back for air and glared at her. "You are MINE!" he told her. She was simply held speechless and stared at him, with a blank mind.

Someone else's mind, however was going wild with different kinds of thoughts, which included plans, anger, jealousy and cunningness, all mixed together. That someone had heard Y/N and Taehyung's conversation and was now walking away from the lockers to the classroom.

Jennie's POV

"Jennie!" called out a voice as a hand waved in front of my face. "Leave me alone, Lisa! I am thinking!" I said annoyedly. Lisa sighed and left while I kept thinking about Y/N and Taehyung's conversation. So... He is jealous of Suga! AGAIN! The only thing that has changed is that he used to be jealous for me... But now he is jealous for that bitch! Did he actually fall in love with her?!

I felt so frustrated just thinking about it! I have to do something about this! There's only one person who can drive a wedge between Y/N and Tae. As I thought about the person, he walked inside the classroom and sat beside me. Yes. Min Yoongi is the only person who can help me in this. 


I did not know what to say as Tae kept staring at me with a glare. "Fine... Relax," I sighed, "I won't talk with Yoongi if you dislike it that much." "Good!" said Tae, finally letting go of me. I pouted and said, "What a jelly!" He glared at me and then grabbed my hand. "Let's go to our classroom," he said. When we walked into the class, I saw Yoongi sitting on the desk where Jennie usually sat- that is right beside my place.

Tae protectively put his arm around my waist and made me sit on his place and he sat on mine instead. I sighed. I saw him give Yoongi a glare while the latter looked confused. I gave him an apologetic look when Taehyung got busy with his books. "Y/N!" said a voice. I looked up to see Sana, looking at me with a pout. "Where did you disappear? I was waiting for you in the cafeteria!" she said. 

"I am so sorry! Some really jealous person dragged me away from there!" I said, glancing at Tae. Sana glanced at him too and said, "Oh... Okay..." The bell rung and she took her place in front of Tae and soon, the teacher came in. I sighed and focused my attention on her. I felt a pair of eyes on me and glanced at Taehyung. "What?" I mouthed when I saw him staring. He shook his head and looked at the teacher as well.

~Time skip to the end of the school~

The day was tiring as hell! Taehyung kept close to me all the time and I had to go around everywhere with him and Jungkook while Sana tagged behind us. It was honestly like I was the third wheel between him and Jungkook. I was so done with it by the end of the school that I pulled my hand away from his and said, "I am going to the washroom!"

Before he could say anything, I grabbed Sana's arm and rushed away from there to god knows where! "Whoa! Whoa! Whoa! Stop running!" yelled Sana and I finally stopped on the top floor and stood by the wall, panting. "What was that for?" Sana asked. "I was so done with TaeKook!" I sighed. Sana giggled. We used to call the two boys 'TaeKook' when they behaved like a couple! Never thought I would use the term when I grow up.

We stood there for about a minute quietly. "When are we going back then?" Sana asked. "I don't know," I said, "Honestly! Tae hangs out with his Jungkook and then gets jealous!" "But why is he jealous?" Sana asked. "Yoongi and I talked in the cafeteria when you were gone and Mr. Kim Taehyung dragged me away," I replied, rolling my eyes. 

Sana was about to speak when a voice called out, "Miss. Minatozaki." We looked towards the voice to see Miss. Lee, one of our teachers standing there. "Yes, Miss. Lee," said Sana, going towards her. "Will you mind coming with me for a moment?" Miss. Lee asked. Sana turned to me and said, "You can go back to Tae, Y/N. I will be there," before leaving with Miss. Lee.

I hate walking alone... But what choice did I have when Taehyung called me and said, "Come back quickly! I am waiting for you!" I sighed and began walking downstairs again. "Hey Y/N!" said a voice when I was in the corridor just around where I had left Tae. "Hi-" I said, when I felt myself falling forwards. "Ow!" I exclaimed when I hit Suga's hard chest. "Are you okay?" Suga asked, holding onto me. "Y/N!" an angry voice came from the end of the corridor.

~To be continued~

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