V#1 Chapter 2- The Distant cry of Humanity(Part 1)

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CHAPTER 2- The Distant cry of Humanity

"Reality and Idealism are entities of contrasting nature. Living in Idealism is counter productive. Living in Reality is stagnant. Living in Reality, and working towards Idealism is happiness."

-Shiroyama Seniichi, The AoF storyteller

Part 1

[16th of December, 1997; 00:53 hrs]

[Private Orphanage "Children's Hope", Taketomi, Okinawa Prefecture]

"MARIKA-SENSEI!!! PLEASE STOP!!!! I don't want to do this!!! Khhhh......sob.......p-please, just drop it......."

Misaki sure screams loudly, doesn't she? This scream is a representation of the SHAME and DISCOMFORT inside you, right? Humans tend to let out their unwanted emotions in the form of unwanted excretions, haha. Often these excretions, whether scream or tears, are accompanied by a response of consideration and pity from the other party, right? Though this is not a fact, but a situational fact. To assume that your tears will always be responded with a pat on your back and wordings brimming with kindness, is a deficiency in thinking on your own part. Well, there are people who make this assumption. And they are the same ones who are then betrayed by this assumption of theirs. They think that their "excretionable" emotions are a shield of diamond, which actually are boats of paper. They learn it the hard way, just like me, the foolish person called Tomoe Marika.

"Misaki-san ~ , come on......did I tell you to stop? Are you acting spoiled? No, no, no....it is not a good thing to disobey your adults, you know....."

Oho! I see that Makoto is crying even harder than her. Well, being on the receiving end is certainly more embarrassing, right? In the right corner, I can feel the terrified gazes of Tomoya and Kirika. They are making quite the faces! Their shrunken foreheads, lips tightened and teeth clamped together like a crocodile mouth, are enough to show their terror. How relieving!! How fantastic!! How addictive!! Talking about Yuika, who is cuddled up into a ball in front of me is shivering like a cornered cat, with her whole body almost resonating with terrified convulsions. Well, it's natural if you think of it. After all, it was her turn just yesterday, so her feelings of terror and sympathy towards Makoto are rather well placed and within the expectations.

"Come, on, Misaki-san! What are you doing, standing there aimlessly. Can you not see Makoto-san lying on his butt in front of you? All I told you is TO STRIP HIM....."

"Marika-sensei.....sob.....why, WHY ARE YOU DOING THIS?? Makoto and Misaki are clearly uncomfortable!! Why do you keep threatening us into doing these DEPRAVED THINGS TO EACH OTHER??? What have we done to you?? For all these years...... " shouts out Tomoya with a sudden switch in expression. So the terror inside of you bent down and gave its position to anger, huh? Not like it is going to harm me or solve anything, you know? The anger of the lion on the rabbit is devastating for the rabbit, the anger of the rabbit on the lion is also devastating for the rabbit. In other words, your anger cannot get in my way, because it will remain bottled up inside of you for eternity, and bottled up emotions do more harm to one's own self rather than to the surroundings.

"Tomoya-san, 'For all these years'? You are the oldest kid here, right? You should not teach your juniors to lie, you know.....Neither should you feed them with false information. Saying it that way almost seems like I have been ordering you for a century or something.....it has just been two years, right? And this is not a threat or anything, it is just a way for us to have fun.......just a way for me and you all to have fun..."

What I say is of course, far from truth. Having fun is not even the faintest of my purposes for doing what I am doing. The reason is to relieve myself. To relieve myself of the fact that I am not the only one, to relieve myself of the fact that there are people, there are kids, who are and will be seeing and suffering through the same tragedy as myself. Contrary to belief, humans are not bright creatures. Instead, they are quite dark ones. Darker than the moonless night. Darker than the bottomless abyss. Darker than the dusk in the woods. When they go through a happy fate, they want others of their kind to notice them, to praise them, to envy them. They want their attention, and the only way they can warrant that is by making sure that the so called happy fate they are going through, has a unique identity. The kind of unique fate, one of a kind happiness that is exclusive to their own selves, which they can brag about to others. They pray, they hope, that other humans around them would not be blessed by that kind of happiness, so that they keep up the feeling of envy directed at them.

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