V#1 Chapter 1-Building of the Battlefield(Part 1)(+extra)

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CHAPTER 1- Building of the Battlefield

"Sins do not build up the world. The fact, that the world is still standing strong, is a proof. But they indeed are, a medium, to catalyst the building of the living entity. That said, the living entity can only build up, if the sins, are forgiven, not by any one else, but the sinner themselves."

-Shiroyama Seniichi, The AoF storyteller

Part 1

[22nd of October, 1997; 14:32 hrs]

[Government Hospital at Tokyo]

"Fuck....why? Why does it have to be like this? We needed a girl child, so why the fuck?!" the person swearing in front of me is Kadenokoji Tatsuya, my husband. Though he used to be a normal person, and usually is a normal person. He is standing before me in the hospital room, where I just had my delivery completed, resulting in a boy child. His brown coat and trousers, along with the white muffler going round his neck, are a rather formal attire, which are contradicting to the language he is using right now. His hair is black, a sign of later youth, but gives off a rather contrasting feeling of old age, probably owing to our life condition, which was already bad, and is going to worsen, as of now.

"What do we do now? Tatsuya-san, just what do we do now?????" the hospital bed jolted as I snuggled Tatsuya san. Why the fuck!! Why the fuck did this child have to be a boy? God!!! Are you playing with us??? Are you shitting on our condition?? Why??

"Huuuh, calm down, Hitomi-san! You just had a delivery! You will hurt yourself! Don't move around too much! Okay, I will also calm down, so please settle down!!"

"Hah? You are suddenly taking a U-turn, Tatsuya-san! Just now you were furious –"


"SHUT THE FUCK, MONGREL!!!!!" I let out a curse as the little devil started howling. Seriously, tone the fuck down! I am not in a mood to deal with you! Why does it have to be you?

Why?! Why?! Why?! Why?! Why?! Why?! Why?! Why?! Why?! Why?! Why?! Why?!

How much more will God ruin our lives???



"HITOMI-SAN!!!!!!!!!!!" Tatsuya san grabbed my hand which dashed dangerously towards the baby.

"Dear Mam, Sir, is something wrong?"the nurse entered the room with a little push to the door. She sounded rather worried. Darn! She could not have noticed, could she? Shit! I shouted too loudly!

"No, nothing is wrong. My wife and I just had a disagreement regarding the baby's name. You see, she is pretty particular about naming her child. Since I named our first daughter, she wants to take this chance to name the "second" baby."

"Fufu ~ then it's okay. I thought something might be wrong. I will wait outside then."

"Thank you for all your hard work towards my wife."

He paid an unusual stress on the word "second baby". Was it my imagination? Even if it was, he looks rather calm in this devastating situation. Tatsuya-san, have you perhaps given up? Will you accept this outcome? If we accept it, we are doomed, you know? Me, you and Haruka........as well as this new kid.....No! No! I cannot take this anymore!! This is too much!!! There is a limit to how fucked up your life can become!! I do not want to get worse from here!! I do not want to live like animals!! I do not want to stoop to any lower than we already fucking are!!!!!!!

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