Chapter 0.1

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There was a girl named Flora Ivory, she's turning 20 in a few months time and this is her story. Her dream is to be doing gaming livestreams, making longer funny skits, playing ice hockey in the national team and training in Europe countries. She would love to have bigger exposure so one day she could teach others what she learned. Flora isn't the arrogant type, she would help others in need and tries her best to teach others what she knows. Also, she loves to cosplay and she would love to travel around the world for conventions if she has the opportunity to do so.

Ever since young, Flora had no issues making new friends every time she's in a different environment or her friends introducing their other friends. It sounds nice being able to mingle around with new people, isn't it? Well, she may have a lot of friends or knows a lot of people however, she doesn't have a clique of friends that she could hang out with or depend on. She always wished that she had a group of friends that has her back if she needs anything or even be her listening ear.

Flora is a cheerful, bright, caring and wonderful girl but deep inside, she's lonely and sad. She's only happy when she gets what she wants, achieved her hardest goals and making others happy or laugh. She doesn't really care if she is sad, as long as people around her are happy, she's happy. If anyone she knows is sad, even if the person isn't someone she's close to or even an acquaintance, she's willing to hear all kinds of things he or she has to say. She will do her very best to give useful advices and whether or not they want to take her words, it's their choice. Unfortunately, she doesn't get the same treatment from others.

She always wanted someone to give her the same affection and attention but no one could give the same reaction. She always wondered if there's something wrong with her or she's doing anything that's mistaken. Is she doing too much or too less? Is she ever enough for anybody at all? She will never know as people keeps leaving her hanging. It happened too many times that she's already used to the matter.

Flora is an imaginative and creative person. She loves to imagine scenarios in her head that won't happen in real life. However, she wished those scenarios in her mind would be turned into reality. She is really admirable when it comes to suggesting or creating unique ideas and that's on hardcore brainstorming. In addition, she's a hardworking person as she doesn't want to burden or trouble others. Therefore, she works a part time job while studying to earn her own pocket money. She doesn't want to use her parents hard earned money for her own spendings. This is because she knows that they have bills to pay and she doesn't want to add any inconvenience for them. In her opinion, it doesn't make sense to use her parents funds for the things that she wants to buy. However, her parents will never understand her feelings and perspective.

The reason why is that Flora is the only girl in her family includes of four older brothers and they are being overly protective at times. They treat her like a tiny princess living in a small kingdom, which is their own home. Flora is like Cinderella but not really. She is allowed to go out with her friends but not on dates, however she has to be back before midnight. Even though she isn't recommended to go on dates, she still did anyway. Therefore if she isn't homed by curfew, she will be scolded by her mom repeatedly. Flora isn't really bothered by it as she puts herself in her mother's shoes but at times, she's annoyed because she barely has time to meet her other friends and her mother couldn't accept that as her reason.

Moving forward, Flora has always fantasise on having a romantic long term relationship. She wants to have someone who would be there for her through thick and thin. Someone who is willing to guide her the right path, motivate to her fullest potential, understand what she feels deeply and doesn't judge whatever she wears or likes. Who wouldn't want this certain "someone", right? Flora admires people who are in relationships that has each other's backs, and she knows that every relationship has their own struggles. She would go through thick and thin with anyone at all and she's willing to go through hardship with them. She also loves commitment but not many people at her age wants any of that yet.

People around her constantly told her that she's still young and advised her to enjoy her teenage life before entering the adulthood. Flora always wondered why must she enjoy while she is young when there's nothing to enjoy about? She's always been so harsh to herself after all that happened in her life. Flora has set a very high expectations of herself all the time, this is why she's easily disappointed repeatedly. Even if others hurt her feelings or leaves her, she would put the blame on herself.

Author's Note

It's frustrating, isn't it? Why must Flora feel that way about herself? She should know that her self-worth is more than she thinks. Sadly, she cares way more about others more than herself. All she ever wanted was someone to be her pillar of support, she'll never ask for anything more. What would you do or feel if you were in Flora's perspective?

Moving on, The First Stage...

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