Chapter 13: The Kidnapping

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" Something bad happened. I can feel it."

*Padme's POV*  

Watching Anakin leave my apartment was the hardest thing I've done in eight months. Watching him walk into a large portal of bright white lights was hard. My heart nearly breaking, the hope that I might see him again soon was the only thing keeping me from breaking down and crying every drop of water from my body.

As the sun rises over the horizon I let go of the idea that I will go back to sleep. Climbing out of my bed I head to my bathroom and switch on the shower.

I need it from the workout I had last night.

I think to myself as I watch steam begin to fill the closed room. I can't stop the smirk forming on my lips as I replay a few moments of Anakin and I's love-making last night in my head. Eight months of deep wanting for each other exploding in one night.

I take off the shirt I slipped on after he had left letting the silky fabric pool at my bare feet. I step into the shower, a sigh escapes my lips as the warm water washes over me, hitting all my tense muscles.

Taking my sponge I later it with lavender-scented soap and wash myself from my neck all the way to my toes. I gasp as I catch a glimpse of my body in a mirror. Small blue marks dotted my neck and breast. Heat ruses to my cheeks turning them a deep shade of red when I realize what they are.

The bloody man gave me hickeys!

"Anakin Skywalker you are a dead man the next time I see you." I say to myself.

Once I'm finished washing I turn the shower off and wrap a towel tight around my body.

I walk to my room, my wet feet leave behind a trail of wet footprints. I pat myself bone dry and dress into one of the dresses I bought for work. I make sure it has a high neck to cover up my...... little presents Anakin gave me.

He must be smirking to himself right now, sneaky bastard.

As I am about to leave my room I hear a noise coming from my living room. It sounds like someone walking around my apartment. Instinctively I reach for the blaster I keep next to my bed, but I stop just as my fingers are about to grab hold of it.

Hang on Padme it is probably just 3PO.

I move my hand away from my blaster and go out of my room with the intent to greet him.

"Goodmorning 3-"

I stop when I see him standing where I left him last night. His eyes were dark signaling that he was still powered down.

My heart begins to beat faster. If it wasn't 3PO I heard walking around then who was it?

I spin around in a 360 motion my eyes darting back and forth looking for anything out of the ordinary. I mentally scold myself for leaving my blaster in my room. But maybe I can still get to it.

I spin around quickly on my heels, but I can't get to my room because a figure is standing in front of me.

I recognize him instantly as Cad Bane the famous bounty hunter who had held me and many other senators as hostages a few years back. 

"Hello, there pretty lady." He says with a crooked smile.

I reach my hand out to try and hit him but he catches my wrists and pulls me against him.


My scream is cut short as he holds his other hand over my mouth. I trash my body around and try to kick him but he is stronger than me.

A smaller creature comes from behind my sofa, a sack in its hands.

It cackles as it jumps up and places the sack over my head blinding me from my surrounding.

I feel two small metal rods being stuck against my neck soon followed by electricity coursing through my body. I scream in pain and try to trash around, but the pain soon becomes too much to bear and I pass out.


*Anakin's POV*


I scream as I launch myself up. My body was drenched with sweat from thrashing around during my nightmare.

It was of Padme in a dark cell screaming for me to help her. I close my eyes for a brief second and I can see her again. Tears streaming down her face, a long bony hand holding the sides of her face, making her look at me.

The door to my room slides open and Obi-wan and Ashoka rush in with half-open eyes.

"Master are you okay?" Ashoka asked in a frantic voice.

I shake my head no.

"What is wrong?" Obi-wan asked.

I take a deep breath to try to calm myself down, but it doesn't help as the image of my angel in pain flashes again in my head.

"Something bad happened. I can feel it."

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