Chapter Four

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~Unwanted & Unwarranted~

"It's okay I guess. Its not like you made plans with us before. Enjoy dinner with your neighbors." Hailey's cropped hair sways as she turns away from me. 

She has every right to be upset. I'm the one bailing on the plans we made. I move to stand in front of her slightly. I grip the textbooks in my arms tightly feeling guilty that I've upset my very first friend here. 

"Look Hailey, I am really sorry." She lifts her gaze to meet mines and I her disappointment clear as day. The sound of the school bell rings throughout the bustling hallway signally a change in period. 

She glances at my apologetic expression and nods her head. "It's fine." She then walks ahead of Nic and I. Leaving us in the busy hallway.

"Don't worry. She's just upset that you're bailing on us because of Elijah's family. That's all." Nic rests his had on my shoulder urging me to cheer up.

"I doubt he will even show up. Trust me if I could cancel I would." 

"Eli, Hails and I grew up together but he doesn't really hang out with her anymore. He tolerates me since we are both on the hockey team. Knowing Eli, he will most likely ditch the dinner to avoid time spent with his dad. They don't get along too well these days." 

That much I could tell from their screaming match yesterday. I think to myself.

I glance in the direction Hailey went in and sigh.

"She will come around. Just give her some space, trust me. Make it up to her next week." I nod at Nic and give him a faint smile. 

Lunch time comes around quickly and I search the courtyard for Hailey. Nic mentioned that he needed to meet with his coach and for us to eat without him.

After searching around I don't manage to find her. Our lunch was a shorter one and my next class was PE so I needed to get something in my system at least.

The courtyard seemed to be a popular location to hang and eat after being remodeled. Nearly every table was filled with students from different grade levels. I could hear the conversations between groups rolling with such ease. 

I am by no means shy. However I am socially awkward at times and now would not be the best time to introduce myself and interrupt ongoing conversations. So, I opt to take a seat at an empty table near the entrance to the hallway where my locker is.

As I sit at concrete table I scan over my lunch bags contents. I had packed some leftover spaghetti from dinner. Unfortunately due to my poor planning forgot that I wouldn't be able to warm in up, cold pasta it is. It could be worse.

As I am twirling my pasta around my fork I see two girls approach me. They carry their monogramed lunch bags in hand and look over the table momentarily. I motion with my head for them to take a seat whilst taking a bite of my food.  They stand as they were and look at me with their eyebrows furrowed. Okay?

"This is our table freshman." The taller of the two brunettes' scoffs and a chuckle escapes me. 

Whose she calling a freshman? What is she 5'3"?

I decide not to reply and instead take a bite of my lunch ignoring their comment. 

"These seats are empty, I have no problem sharing the table." I offer trying to be civil. I look up at they girls once more and their expressions don't hide their displeasure towards my suggestion. By the look on their face you'd think I asked them to eat shit. 

"You should really respect your upperclassmen. I suggest you move tables. We'd hate it if you suddenly became this years fresh meat." Their threat comes to me as more of a joke.

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