Chapter Three

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"I have a name you know." I growl out in frustration turning around to face him. He smirks, satisfied with the reaction he's caused in me and I'm tempted to have Sebas attack him. I could simply argue it was self defense.

Suddenly I see a small body pop up behind him and I relax. She's a young child with messy knotted hair and pasta sauce all over her oversized grey t-shirt. Her chestnut waves and grayish green eyes tell me she is somewhat related to Collins. She appears to be no older than four years old. I watch as she grasps onto Collins' leg tightly and points to Sebastian.

"Puppy!" She confidently says and I smile. She looks like she's holding back a question. He notices this too and pushes her forward urging her to say what's on her mind.

"May I pet the puppy please?" She politely asks and my heart melts. I nod my head at her and signal for Sebas to approach carefully. I bend down to her level and guide her hand to allow him to catch her scent.

He sits on command and allows the young girl to brush her hand through his fur. He's always loved children and his breed was particularly patient. The sensation of his fur appears to tickle her skin and she starts giggling. Oh my goodness this child is precious. Any anger I had previously felt disappears immediately. How could such a cute girl be related to Collins?

"Good just like that." I beam at the young girl. "His name is Sebastian, he's a nice boy. What's your name?" She looks up to Collins for approval and he motions for her to go ahead. Smart kid.

"I'm Maggie." She shyly tells me, still petting Sebastian's full coat.

"It's nice to meet you Maggie. I'm Jade. Do you wanna see some tricks he knows?" She nods her small head at me enthusiastically and I let out a laugh.

I hold my finger up signaling I'd be right back as I stand and enter our house. I quickly take some treats from Sebas jar and rush outside. My precious pup sat just as I left him and turned to see me at full attention. I signaled again that they were friends and he relaxed.

"Sebas ready." He quickly sits in between my legs and I feed him a quick treat. I guide his nose around each of my legs and he is fast at following. I flick my wrist and he does a flip. I signal him to roll over and he rolls to the right and back to the left. I then motion for him to follow me and as I walk on the grass he weaves between my legs going backwards.

I toss him another treat and he obediently waits for my next command. I pat my right upper thigh and he uses my leg as a trampoline as he flips mid air through the hoop I've created with my arms.

I pat my chest to signal up and he propels himself into my arms. I carry him like the big baby he is and his tongue hangs out from excitement. I ruffle his fur and place him on the ground again. Once I'm finished I look over to see both Eli and Maggie with their mouth hanging wide open.

"How did he learn to do that?" Collins asks in awe.

"I taught him. He's a smart boy aren't you Sebas?" At my question Sebastian barks in confirmation. He nods his head and looks at the excitement on Maggie's face.

"This is the coolest dog EVER! Lijah I want one!" She struggles to pronounce the E in Collins name and she pulls on his jeans in demand.

"You gotta talk to pop's cupcake. But I think you'll be seeing Sebastian often seeing that we are neighbors now." He motions to the house next door and I see the name COLLINS nicely stamped on the mailbox. How did I not make the connection?

"Yay! Can I see Sebastian again?" Maggie asks and I can't argue.

"Of course! As long as you ask your mommy and daddy first you can always see Sebastian."

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