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It was probably the last day of her existence...

Yet she was happy. Her face was glowing beneath the sun's rays while her head was cradled and caressed by the most magical and beautiful of creatures...

My soul...

She opened her eyes to his smiling violet eyes. His dark hair and child-like innocent face full of wonders made her feel butterflies in her stomach. It was just...

"This is a dream."

He dipped his face and without any hesitation kissed her nose and lips in the gentlest of ways. She felt her heart leap at the contact yet her face didn't betray her emotions while she heard his whispery sweet voice.

"Then this is our dream, Séara."

This isn't mine alone...

When she reached out to kiss him again, this time he didn't fade away as always. He held her. He kissed her lips. He was there with his rosemary, lavender scent and those clear lilac eyes glowing to block the sunlight from her features.

"Séara...are you ready to get up now?"


My heart...

Smiling, Irene nodded. He chuckled and helped her to her feet. It was just so...surreal, she nearly lost her footing. He was just...

Faint footsteps came around the corner to tiptoe towards her and her dream. Biscuit-brown skin and golden sunlit eyes, a shy smile set on the cutest of faces of a child. Irene took the child in her arms when he raised up his in affection.

Laughter of the three filled the small cottage at the bend with happiness. At last, a peaceful time with little to no worries. Irene could stay here forever. But forever was a myth she had broken long ago.

Just let it stay like this for a very long time...


Twirling towards the sound, she stumbled to a steadying gaze. Glittering forest green eyes grinned with a knowing gaze.

"Anais-jie, what brings you here?"

Knowing something important had come up, the child came down from his play and left the room running towards the sound of others cheering in the morning bath. Irene looked at the trail left behind with wistful eyes until the hand on her waist pulled her to reality and towards the audience she had.

They sat in the small round stone table crafted by her and his hands. The smell of chamomile and lavender made her lose into the peace once again till the last words she wanted to hear came up.

"Nahass is searching for us."

Irene felt herself tense up when his fingers brushed onto her neck slowly kneading the knot from her back. "So what?"

"You know we never mention them here."

Anais sighed. "I know, Hans. But Irene—"

"I am nothing but the protector of this land, sister."

His hand held onto hers while Irene exhaled. "I am no one of concern. As for us all..."

Children's footsteps made her stop and smile at the running hoard. "I will make sure this place at least stays pure."


Irene squeezed Hans' hand while her eyes followed her children around. They were hers as much as his. Even with change...this would be their new beginning of change...

Losing her ground, Anais stood up and left while they looked on. Irene smirked when Heather and Heath—her twins—fought over who would get the chamomile flower their father baked into bread. 


No matter what this place would stay safe...

The world needed some color in it to remain. And this place would remain the hub of those lost colors of the Mortal Realm, tucked away in Zolios's unknown cove...

The Haus of Hansel...

The House of God's Hope... 

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