"Sab! You freaking killed that!" Reggie said as he set me down on the ground.

"Reggie! You were amazing!" I replied. Luke came between us and put his arms around us.

"No guys, we all were amazing!" Luke said squeezing us. It made me giggle. Flynn was now standing in front of us. Julie ran up to her and they shared a hug.

"You were incredible!" Flynn complimented.

"Yeah we were!" Reggie added. 

"Hey hey. Whoever Carrie was just trying to impress is coming this way." Luke said to Julie. I started fixing my hair. Then I remembered she couldn't see us.

"She looks all business. Wait! Who should do all the talking?" Reggie asked looking at us nervously. We all shot him a look. "Right. Julie. Julie." He said blushing. I giggled and put my arm around him to console him.

"Hi. I'm Andy Parker, and I would-" The business lady said introducing herself, until she was interrupted.

"Julie!" Her dad called from behind the business lady. Julie's eyes went wide staring at him.

"Dad?" She asked.

"It's time to go." He said.

The guys and I all looked at each other as our cue to go. So we poofed back to Julie's house. We went to the living room. I was on the couch in-between Luke and Alex. Carlos was using his iPad to hunt for ghosts.

"You can't hide forever ghosties!" He said pointing the camera around the room. It made me giggle. All her found was his Tia.

"For the last time mijo, ghosts aren't real!" She explained. Reggie shook his head in dissapointment.

"Typical adult. Do you remember when we were kids and they never believed what we said?" Reggie asked. We all shook our heads.

"Nope." I responded.

"I'm pretty sure that's just a 'you' thing. I was always pretty trustworthy." Alex said.

"Shouldn't we be more worried about Julie? Her dad just busted her, okay? He's probably going to make her quit the band" Luke said nervously.

"Well there's not much we can do about that now, but! We can still help Carlos. Adults not believing kids ends tonight! Showtime." Reggie said with a smirk. I shook my head and rubbed my temples.

"Oh Reggie." I giggled. Reggie turned off the lamp. Carlos and Tia stopped and looked over.

"Ghosts aren't real huh? How do you explain that?" Carlos asked Tia. 

"Light bulbs burn out all the time Carlos." She responded. Reggie chuckled.

"Oh wrong answer Tia!" Reggie said walking over to the window. "Explain this!" He said before opening and closing the blinds. I shook my head at Reggie. Tia held Carlos in fear while he was in a trance.

"Maybe it's Mom? She knows I haven't been changing the toilet paper!" Carlos said. Tia just shook her head.

"No. Your mother would never scare us. This is the work of a demon!" Tia exclaimed. Reggie stopped and looked at Tia with a frown.

"Ow. Words hurt." Reggie whined. 

"Wait! I gotta get this on video!" Carlos said holding up his iPad.

"Yeah you do!" Reggie said pointing to Carlos. "Time for an old classic." Reggie said as he pulled up a white sheet from the basket and threw it over his head to make it look like a ghost. 

Tia started screaming frantically and grabbed Tia bringing him out of the house.  Reggie sat down laughing. The 3 of us looked at him with disappointment and anger on our faces.

"Do you have any idea what you've done?" Alex asked with his arms crossed. Reggie nodded.

"Yeah. I do. I've just defended every kid who's never been believed. Some might say I'm a hero." Reggie said with a proud smile. I groaned and shook my head. "We should probably hide before Julie finds out huh?" He asked. We all nodded before we made our way to the studio.

I was absolutely exhausted from tonight so I plopped down on the couch. Reggie came and sat down next to me.  Alex saw us and then pulled Luke out somewhere before Luke could see us.

"Do you really think I messed up that bad?" Reggie asked. I shrugged.

"I don't know, but I bet Julie will forgive you if you just explain." I answered. He gave a smile back in response. 

We both then sat there quietly looking at our hands that were close together. His pinkie slowly rubbing back and forth on mine. Our fingers all slowly became intertwined. Reggie looked up at me with a smile. With his other hand he pushed the hair out of my face slowly. His face slowly getting closer to mine.  

But I quickly pulled away.

"I'm-I'm sorry. Did I do something wrong?" He asked nervously. I shook my head and took a deep breath.

"I just think. I think we need to talk about this. Because I don't think Luke's a huge fan of us. And I know once we do that thing we were about to do it will change everything." I explained.

"Well, I think if you feel the same way as me it'll be a good change Sab. Trust me. And I'm sure Luke is just being protective over you. Once he sees how happy you are, he will change his mind." Reggie said while grabbing my other hand.

"We are giving each other all the signs Reggie. Like holding hands, or when we danced at the club, or you leaving me your jacket. Like what does it all mean?" I asked.

"It means that I really like you Sabrina." Reggie said with the biggest smile ever. I could feel my stomach drop. 

"I like you to Reg." I said quietly. 

Did I really just say that? Oh. My. Gosh. My heart is pounding so fast right now.

"Well then there's our answer!" Reggie said. It made me giggle. 

"I don't know Reg. I just I don't know. I don't want to rush this and ruin our friendship. Or for Luke to kill us." I said. Reggie squeezed my hands.

"I don't think Luke can kill us, he needs us in the band." Reggie joked. I giggled a little.

"Okay but Reggie seriously." I said. He smiled at me.

"Sabrina. I like you and you like me. So will you be my girlfriend Sabrina Lynn Patterson?" Reggie asked. I felt so many butterflies. I grew a big smile.

"Yes Reggie of course. But we are going to take it slow. Like I don't wanna rush this kinda thing and ruin it." I explained. He nodded with a big smile.

"I agree. One hundred percent." He responded. I giggled and gave him a hug. I squeezed him tight as Luke and Alex came back in. Luke loudly cleared his throat as he walked over to his guitar. Reggie and I quickly let go of each other.

Together - ReggieWhere stories live. Discover now