The game was afoot!

Twisting and turning through the trees, Marian's heavy white dress, trimmed with silver fur, floated along the snow covered floor. Her dark brown waves swayed from side to side as she moved, quickly evading Richard yet again as she spotted Edward attempting to catch up to Elizabeth, who slipped away with ease, down one of the torchlit corridors.

This childish, adrenaline driving game of theirs had been on for around an hour and quite a few of the courtiers had joined in as well, making it even more enjoyable, turning it from a game of hide and seek to something resembling a hunt. A game where Lords hunted their Ladies. Everyone was darting around the palace, large smiles on their faces, a swirl of different coloured silks and velvets, veils and headdresses as far as the eye could see. Merry music played in the background, seemingly becoming quicker and quicker, louder and more jovial, as the game became more intense.

As Marian rounded another corner she came face to face with the Queen who grinned widely at her
"Thank you for suggesting this, Marian!" She said "I find it is the most fun I have had in many moons!" She glanced behind her and when she saw Edward was approaching, let out a shriek of laughter and ran leaving Marian alone and looking around, attempting to see if Richard was near.

At last her eyes came to settle on his figure and she jumped a little as she spotted him for he was leaning against one of the corridor walls, watching her with gleaming eyes, full of lust. Smirking, Marian turned on her heels and, picking up the skirt of her gown, ran down the corridors of Westminster.

She could hear Richard running after her, his heavy footsteps echoing throughout the ornate halls, her adrenaline rising with every step she took; every step she heard Richard take. Glancing behind her, she could see that her husband was quickly catching up to her, she thought she would have one last attempt to hide and so turned a corner, darting behind one of the tapestries, so sure that behind it lay a hidden corridor. But no. All that lay behind the tapestry was a deep alcove, red velvet lining its stone walls.

'Damn' she thought as she realised her defeat, waiting for Richard to find her, to capture her at last. A few moments later she heard the tapestry move behind her and someone step into the alcove.

"Ah, I have you now" Richard whispered into her ear, kissing her neck, causing Marian to immediately melt into him.
"It seems you have" she replied turning to face him, a smile playing about her lips as she realised there was a part of her that knew she did not mind in the least being captured by the man before her.

"And now I would like to see the face of the beautiful woman who has been evading me this night and who I have sought long to find" he reached up and gently pulled at the ribbon holding her mask in place so that it fell away and she caught it in her hands, giggling as he dropped a light kiss on her nose. In retaliation to his act, Marian removed his mask and kissed him slowly, running one hand through his hair, placing the other on his chest.
"I love you, Mari" he said gently as he drew back from the kiss. She smiled up at him
"And I love you, Richard"

He snaked his arms around her and lifted her up, her legs parting; wrapping around his waist as he pressed her back gently against the wall. One of his hands began to trail down her body, moving along her leg where he grabbed a fistful of skirt and began to raise it.

"Here, my love?" She asked with no conviction at all, leaning her head back against the wall and closing her eyes, smiling as she felt Richard push the velvet sleeve from her shoulder and place a burning kiss on her skin. However, just as she was becoming sure that she was about to be transported to a world of pleasure at her husband's hands there was a commotion outside which made the couple instantly look towards the tapestry that separated them from the rest of the glittering court. Another noise arose and the Duke and Duchess looked at one another and Richard immediately lowered Marian to the floor; helped her set right her clothes and hair before taking her hand and leading her out into the light, both of them leaving their masks behind in their haste.

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