Chapter twenty eight - someone new in the picture

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Libby's PoV

I wake up next to mommy again for the past few nights I haven't left her alone
I was scared she would leave again
I sit up and start patting mommy's cheek
"Mommy waye up" I say tapping her cheek more
"I'm awake now baby" she says sleepily
She grabs me and hugs me tightly
"We go downsturs?" I ask
"We can" she says
She lifts me on the floor and I crawl to the door
"Let's go" I say
I stand up and try grabbing for the handle
"Go find you uncles or aunts I need to get dressed" she says
"Oay mommy" I say and she lets me out
I waddle off down the hall way
"Bye mommy" I say waving
I walk to aunt Kats door and start kicking it
"Aunt Kat you waye?" I shout still kicking the door
She opens the door
"Always kicking doors aren't you" she says and picks me up
"Yeah me no nok it hard" I say
"Sure" she says
She speeds us downstairs
"What would you like for breakfast?" She asks
"Mushellows" I say
"Libby you can't eat marshmallows for breakfast" aunt Kat says laughing
"Yeah can, I eater the mushellow an degusting cural" I say
"Oh you mean lucky charms" she says
"Yeah duh!" I say and she laughs
She pours me some cereal and I start eating the marshmallows
"I dun mushellows here aunt Kat yu eater degusting cural" I say handing her the dish
"I don't like it either" she says and we laugh
"Me too" I say
Mommy speeds down
"Libby you have to eat all the cereal you can't just eat sweets for breakfast" mommy says
"But uncle Kol do" I whine
"Oh no" aunt Kat says and I burst out laughing
"He's in trouble" she whispers to me
Someone knocks at the door making me jump
Mommy speeds to answer it
"Marcel?" Mommy says
"Who there?" I ask nosily
Aunt Kat puts me down and I run to the door
"Mommy ut" I say making grabby hands
She picks me up and sits me on her hip
"Mommy?" The Marcel guy asks
"Yeah this is Libby mae Gilbert-Mikaelson" mommy says
"Hewwo" I say
"Your adorable" he says
"Why did you never tell me you had a daughter love?" He asks
I giggle because he sounds like uncle klaus
"Well I thought you'd hate me" mommy mumbles
"I'd never hate you I love you Rebekah I love you so much" he says
Hehe this is hilarious
"Libby this is Marcel we used to date" mommy says
"Excuse me we still date we never actually broke up you just ignored me" Marcel says
I burst out laughing
"You know what you little shit go find your uncle Kol" mommy says and puts me down
"Oooo yu say noty word" I say
"Oh damn it Libby don't use that naughty word please" mommy begs
"Bye bye little shit" I say and run off
I run upstairs
I run into his bedroom and he's sat on his bed
"Foun Yu" I say
"Did mommy swear at you?" He asks
"Yeah her call me little shit" I say and we both laugh
"And what did you say?" He asks
"Yu hab ears yu no def" I say
He looks shocked and I just start laughing so much
"You cheeky little git" he says
"I no cheeky git!" I say
"Yes you are" he says
"No I no yu are" I say
"I'm gonna get you for that" he says
"NO!" I squeal and run out the room
"Som one sev meeeeeee!" I squeal scream
"Little mae what's happening?" Uncle Klaus asks
"Uncle Kol gonna get me!" I squeal and run into his art room
I hide behind the easel
"You can't hide from me plum I'll find you" I hear my uncle Kol say
"NOOOOOOOO!" I squeal scream
I see him at the door
"Found you" he says
"Oh nooooooooooo no me!" I say and run to the other end of the room
He scoops me up and throws me over his shoulder
"Dam it" I huff
"Are you not escaping?" He asks
"I no exape I can no exape I tu shmol" I say
"Well that's just good for me then" he says
Oh dear what have I done I shouldn't of hidden
He speeds downstairs into the room and drops me on the sofa and tickles me
"Noooooo stop" I squeal
He carries on
"Stoppppp" I squeal and laugh
"Som one sev meeeeeeeee" I squeal loudly
I see aunt Freya come downstairs
"Aunt Fweya help" I squeal
"Oh dear what's happening sweetie" she says walking into the room
She laughs
"Oh dear your stuck huh?" She says
"Sev meeeeeeeeee" I squeal
"Okay I'll try my best" she says and winks
She makes uncle Kol float up with magic
"Yay" I squeal and run to her
"Qwick hiyde" I say
We hide upstairs
Today is the best
*at the end of the day*
"Are you staying in my room again baby?" Mommy asks
"Hmmmmm" I say thinking
"I stay at aunt kat?" I ask
"Of course you can" aunt Kat shouts
"Bye mommy" I say and walk to aunt Kat's room
She gets me dressed for bed and we go to sleep

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