Chapter sixteen - part 2 (to chapter fifteen)

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Libby's POV

Mommy picks me up and hugs me tightly
"Oh my baby I'm so so so sorry I left you with a monster " she says hugging me
Then uncle Kol comes out from the trees Klaus stands in front of me and mommy in a protective stand
"Kol mikaelson if you don't pack it in acting childish I will hurt you" Klaus says
"Be cawfuw Ucle Klaus " I say scared
"Aww" he says
"Dont worry I'm mean doggie remember he's just a boob" he says
I laugh at uncle klaus calling uncle Kol a boob
Then uncle Kol runs towards us
Uncle klaus grabs his throat
Then uncle Kol falls to the ground holding his head screaming in pain
Uncle klaus stands next to mommy and I see a man behind uncle Kol
"Kai Parker to what do we owe you this pleasure " uncle klaus says
"I heard what was happening so I came to see and I'm surprised you are caring for the human " Kai says
Mommy puts me on the floor I run to him and hug him
"Tank yu kai " I say smiling
He lifts me up
"Aren't you sweet " he says
"What's your name little flower" he says
"That's Libby Mae Gilbert- Mikaelson my new daughter she's 1 year and 6 months old " mommy tells him
"Ahhh yes the young Gilbert who is missing from mystic falls " he says
He looks at me and smiles
"Nice to meet you Libby I'm Kai Parker " he says
"Kai just don't hurt my niece " klaus says
"Now why would I do that" Kai says to my uncle klaus
"Last time we checked your a bloody phsyco path maniac " uncle klaus says
"Oh please give me a break " he says
"Um insye " I say to him
"Okay if ur mommy and uncle say it's okay " he says
"Mommy pwease " I say
"Fine just because you saved her life from that twat " mommy says pointing to Kol who still was knocked out
I turn to face Kai
"Yu majic " I say
"Yes little flower I can do magic " he says
"Oooo shoos me " I say
"Okay" Kai says
I look to see uncle Kol levitating
"Wow" I say and I clap my hands
"Magic " he says to me
He carries me in the house then hands me to mommy before using magic to put uncle Kol on a sofa
"Mommy ca Ucle Kai stey " I say smiling at mommy
"It's not up to me it's up to him" she says
I turn to him
I put my puppy dog eyes on
"Pwease stey Ucle Kai " I say
"Fine I will stay little flower " he says smiling
"YAY " I jump off mommy's lap and run round in circles
"Hey little flower " he calls me over
"Yeah Ucle Kai " I say
"I can use magic to fix your nasty cut if you want " he tells me
"Rewy" I say
"Yep really " Kai says
He fixes the cut on my face and the bruises go I get mommy to take the plaster off and it's gone
"YAY TANK YU UCLE KAI" I say running in circles again
Uncle Kol wakes up
"Who's screaming?" He says
I run and jump onto the seat with uncle Kai because he scared me
"No no go awaey don't hewt me " I say
"Hey little flower it's okay he won't hurt you I'll make sure of that " uncle Kai said hugging me
I hide my face in his jacket
"See what you did Kol " mommy said
"I didn't do that " uncle Kol said
"Yes you did and now she's scared of you " uncle klaus said
"Come on little mae look at me let me see your smile " uncle klaus said
I shook my head and hid in kai's jacket again
"Hey little flower don't be scared do you remember what I did I'll do it again if he hurts you I promise " he said lifting me out of his jacket and placing me on the floor
I run and jump onto uncle klaus who sat me on his lap and ruffled my hair and I smiled at him
"That's better little mae there's that beautiful smile" uncle klaus says
"Little plum I'm sorry for scaring you i didn't mean it I swear" Kol said
Then uncle Elijah came back
I hopped off of uncle Klaus's legs and ran to uncle Elijah and hugged his legs
"Devil doll what's wrong ?" He asks
"Ucle  Kol scared me he ha blak lines uner  he eye and bij ponty teth " I say
He picks me up and hugs me
"Then what happened devil doll " he asks
"Mean doggie helped me and then mommy came back and then Ucle Kai helped me " I say holding onto uncle Elijah for dear life
He walks us into the room and he sits down next to kai
"Thank you Malikai  for helping my niece" uncle Elijah said
"Your welcome Elijah " Kai says
I hide my face in uncle elijahs coat
"Now devil doll hiding won't help you will it " uncle Elijah said
I shook my head and hugged him really tightly
"Come on devil doll where is that angry angel side of you " Uncle Elijah said
"Come on your brave my little devil doll " Uncle Elijah said
I turned and looked at my mommy
She nodded her head for me to say something
I squirmed in uncle lijahs grip and he put me down
I turned to mommy again and pointed
"Tank yu mommy for gibing me los of hugs and kisses and maing me happy an yu Berry Pwetty " I say smiling
I turn to uncle klaus
"Yu tank yu for heping my nose an bein wuv me bu yu aw mean doggie as wew tank yu Ucle klaus " I say
I turn to Uncle Kol
"Yu scewed me an may me cwy bu yu may me tost an hep me fom bij mean doggie" i say
I turned to uncle Kai
"Yu bes tank yu for heping me" I say
I turned to uncle Elijah
"Yu aw bes as wew I wuv u los an los tank yu for hugs" I say then I stand in the middle of everyone
"I wuv you awwl " I say then I go climb into mommy's lap and go sleep
I feel myself being carried upstairs by mommy and she kisses my head and leaves

Elijah's POV

"Now that's my little devil doll " I say
"She's so cute " Kai says
"She is very cute " I say
"Well people I am going to sleep now I bid you fair well" I say and walk out

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