Chapter four

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Damon POV

Whilst everyone was having a conversation I zoned out paying all my attention towards the little bundle of joy in my arms
She seemed to like the attention to
"So baby Gilbert want me to read you a book," I say
She started squealing and giggling
So I took that as a yes
I found a picture book about a lion so I showed it to her she seemed to like it
When the book was finished I noticed that she had fallen asleep
"Elena " I shouted
"Yeah Damon " she replied
"Baby Gilbert fell asleep," I said
She came hurrying into the room and pulled out her phone and took a picture
"Seriously Elena?" I said pretty annoyed
"It was cute and it's going in her photo album" she responded
"Fine," I say
She took the baby and ran upstairs

Elena POV

I took Libby upstairs and changed her into her fox PJs and put the matching headband on to and placed her in her crib and wrapped her up
I kissed her head "night mini-me " I say and walk back downstairs
"Elena Grams texted me I need to go thanks for dinner," Bonnie said
"Okay bye bon," I say
"Oh tell Baby I love her " she shouts
"I will, " I say and with that, she was gone
"Well this was one productive night," I say
"You did fine don't stress," Stefan says
"Is baby Gilbert okay? " Damon asks
"She's asleep yes, " I say
"Good now we are all gonna get out your hair good night ms Gilbert, " Damon says
"Bye guys," I say to them
And they left so I went upstairs and fell asleep myself

Baby Libby Gilbert Where stories live. Discover now