Your Pregnant

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(1: You're married by this point. 2: You're female, sorry. 3: I loved writing this.)

💚Midoriya 💚

He was shooketh! You'd been trying for so long, and you'd finally done it. You two were going to be parents! He pulled you into a hug and kissed you before kneeling down to his- your -baby. He knew they would do great things.


He didn't believe you at first. You hadn't been planning, let alone trying to have kids. When you told him about taking the test a week ago, he almost snapped at you. He was furious that you kept it a secret... Until he saw how terrified you were about even telling him now. He calmed himself down and walked over to you. He gently took hold of you, more gentle then you thought he ever could be. Then, he almost whispered about how he'd be the favorite parent. You had to chuckle at that.


He was shocked. You'd only been trying for maybe a little over a month by now. How were you already pregnant? Did it work the first time? It was possible, but not very likely. He knew this. But, after getting over the initial shock, he was extatic. You had to physically stop him from baby proofing the whole mansion.


She was extatic! She almost made you float when she raced over to feel the baby. You told her it wasn't big enough to be felt, but she didn't care. All she knew was that she was gonna be a mom. This was the happiest she's ever been.


You knew he was surprised, even if his expression barely showed it. Then you saw the surprise shift to fear. You knew exactly what he was thinking as he sat down and you quickly tried to tell him he would be an amazing father. After a little convincing he calmed down and pressed his hand to your stomach. He seemed awestruck and you couldn't help but smile as you two just sat in silence.


He was so happy, dude. He held you in a spinning hug as you two laughed. He was actually going to be a father! He asked how long you'd known and you told him about a month. He was very sad you were scared to tell him but was happy that you were ready to do this, together.


He froze. You. Pregnant? No way. That couldn't be possible. You both knew it was very unlikely for you to be able to have kids, and if you did have kids, you'd have to be extra cautious. How were you supposed to deal with that? When he felt your hand on his face he came back to the real world. When he saw your concerned look, he let some tears fall, telling you he was just scared about what might happen. You assured him that you were scared to, but that everything would be okay. That seemed to help, a lot.


She actually jumped with joy. She couldn't sit still for a whole week. You had to put her on the couch the first night because she kept tossing and turning. You then had to restrain her from buying every baby thing she could find.

🦢Tokoyami 🦢

He was happy, of course, but he was also confused, mostly. That's probably what it was. A baby? He could have kids? He didn't know he could do that. That's new. When did this happen? When he finally got over the initial confusion he just accepted it and told you he was very happy.


She went silent, just smiling and giggling to herself every once in a while. She even gave you a little more affection than usual. It wasn't quite the response you expected, but hey, you're not complaining.


He was terrified. He knew he was a hero, but what if he did something wrong, or hurt the baby? What if he couldn't protect you two? What if someone tried to use his family as bait, or as a trade? What if he couldn't be a good father? Well, those thoughts were thrown straight out the window when you hugged him, asking if he was okay. He saw your concerned smile and realized that he wasn't alone in this. He just smiled and returned the tight hug.


Surprisingly, he was very happy. He held you close all day and his smile wouldn't leave. He kept saying how it was going to be a girl, he just knew it. You bet he was right.

🚫Aizawa🚫 (If you could have kids)

Being Shota, you'd think he'd be calm and happy. Nope. He was freaking out, pacing the floor as he spoke his panicked thoughts out loud. You sat on the couch, a tired expression on your face, until you saw him buffer for a moment. You then snapped him out of his panic and told him everything would be okay. He smiled and said he wouldn't doubt you for a moment.


She was so relieved. She didn't know if the the surrogate would work or not, but here you were, with a baby growing inside of you. She couldn't tell you how happy she was that you both were safe and ready to grow.

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