011: jung wooyoung makes a choice

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« at the end of the day
you're the one who stays »

Wooyoung's still in disbelief over how any of this is real. But who can blame him? In just five hours, he's no longer in Seoul but instead in Jeju Island, stepping into a private residence that looks more like a ball room, with none other than San right next to him, the man stepping into the house with ease.

"Earth to Wooyoung?" San speaks, his and the younger's suitcase in his hold. The floor, just like rest of the interior, is polished, appearing like it's been speckled with gold dust. "I feel like you're buffering."

Wooyoung can't really pay attention, not when he's reminded of the best gift he got as a kid from his parents. It was a snow globe, but it was the prettiest one he'd ever seen. He'd loved it so much, and kept with him in his room to stare at when times got rough. He can still recall the moment he stepped into his house to see it shattering against the wall, his father the perpetrator as a result of the fight he'd been having with his mother.

"Get out of here, you son of a bitch!"

"If I can't live here in this house anymore, then whatever I bought with my money will be destroyed!"

"...Hey, Wooyoung?" San's voice pulls said male back into the present, and just like that, his parents' furious words fade away, now replaced with San's tender brown eyes.

The older man waves a hand across Wooyoung's face, a teasing smile ceasing his lips. "Earth to Woo? You like this place that much? You're kinda zoning out."

"Ah, sorry," Wooyoung clears his throat. His eyes run over the house's decor once again, and just like before, he becomes awestruck. This is only the livingroom, yet he feels as though he's stepped into another dimension entirely. Where San's house back in Seoul is exceedingly large yet homely, this place looks like a elegant hotel suite just for two. It's quite... intimate.

"Is this place to your fancy?" San questions, already having taken off his shoes to put on house slippers.

"You sound older than twenty-five," Wooyoung jokes to ease the slight nervousness that now grips him.

"I do not. I look fresh out of high school," San argues, but he's laughing, eyes crinkling at the corners. He's also totally unaware of Wooyoung staring at him while he does.

"That'll be super weird if you were though," Wooyoung says, averting his eyes when San looks at him. "Actually fresh out of highschool, I mean. You'd be eighteen and I twenty two and -- yeah."

WHO WE ARE, woosanTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang