008: choi san is more

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« in the sea of familiar strangers
i find your face the quickest »

Nothing in life is complete without the good and the bad moments. So when Wooyoung spends the entire night laughing his ass off, lightheaded with San so close and comfortable with him as they play Farmer's Universe well until past midnight, he should've expected he was going to crash and burn sometime later on. He really should've.

Like a high he chases until its final moments, he gets a decent sleep but wakes up early that morning in a cold sweat after a particularly graphic nightmare. It isn't new, but a recurring one he used have every other night after his parents' had their fallout with eachother.

His good mood is depleted, happiness withering into a faded, distant emotion as he weaves his fingers frustratedly through his messy hair. A headache begins to pound away at the back of his skull, and he just wants to throw something against the wall and watch it scatter into smithereens.

Wooyoung feels like he's sinking and he can't stop. He counts his heartbeat, only to realize it's too quick, and the large bedroom suddenly becomes so small that he feels claustrophobic.

He turns on his side so the light coming from the windows would stop hitting his eyes, and inhales huge gulps of oxygen so his lungs won't feel like they're scraping against his fucking chest anymore, but it isn't working. He tugs one of the pillows over his head and squeezes his eyes shut, rendering himself temporarily blind.

It doesn't work. He, instead, feels sick.

He doesn't hear the knock on his door, but perks up at the sound of it opening. A man stands there, kind of tall from this angle, excrutiatingly familiar.

Wooyoung stiffens with shame, even when more than half of the room's still drenched in darkness.

"Good morning," Jeong Yunho greets, tone polite. From what Wooyoung can see, he's dressed in a garnet red button-down, black slacks and loafers. And just like before, not a single strand of his brown hair is out of place on his head. It makes Wooyoung wonder what time he arrived. What time he got dressed, even.

"Good morning," Wooyoung answers. Compared to Yunho's, his voice sounds like he needs a drink. Multiple drinks, in fact.

He's suddenly reminded of Mingi when Jeong Yunho flashes a small smile at him, but unlike Mingi who'd initiate small talk, yet give him his space, Jeong Yunho is blunt; a little intimidating.

"Get up. We only have about an hour to get ready," the tall man says, and then he's leaving the bedroom.

Wooyoung drops off the bed and follows after him, more than self-conscious as a result of the man's much longer legs. "G-Get ready? Why?"

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