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     Our house is a mess there's boxes everywhere. It has been a week since my parents told my we were moving and all we had time for is packing. The kitchen was done and the living room. We were leaving tomorrow early. I was dining up my room I only had Clothes to pack and then I was done.

     As soon as a got the last of clothes I went to down stairs to tell my mom. My dad was finishing the last stuff at work so he would be home in a couple of hours.

     "Hey mom I am done with my room" I said while walking to the bathroom where she was working.

     "Are you sure cause you do not want to leave anything behind"she says while cleaning the toilet.

     "Yes I am sure. What would you like me to do"? I ask hoping for not a lot of work.

     "You can go check on your sister. I have not heard a lot of noise up there. She would be jumping around by now" she says while getting up from cleaning the toilet.

     I did not say anything I just walked away. I really did not want to check in her. Because it will lead to her talking and she can not stop when she is. I slowly walk up the stairs and in the hallway to her room.

    "Are you almost done" I ask hoping she would not answer.

     "Yep I have been done I am just looking through Instagram" she says not looking up from her phone.

     "Good I think we would say goodbye to our friends more like yours because I already did mine. And you know you should tell you boyfriend now. I would like to see the look and his face when you say your leaving" I say with a evil smile. I never did like her boyfriend he was a jerk and I could tell her was cheating on her. 

     "I already did but you never believe what I saw. He was making out with a girl. And I do not care anymore. See I am not even crying. You were right a long he was a did bitch" she said with sad eyes.

     "Okay I am here if you want to talk" I say as I walk out of the room.


     I was laying down on my hard carpet. To sleep on because we were leaving in the morning. It was about 2:34 and we would be getting up in 2 hours. I could not sleep something was not working for me. I was just laying there and before I no it I was asleep.

     Thanks for reading. I am sorry I did not mention the language in the beginning so there will be some. This was just a filler chapter you got to know about Sammy boyfriend will he come back or not? Or cause trouble? What will happen next?

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