•Chapter 9•

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Rainbow's Pov

"Rainbow! I've been waiting for 1 hour! Do u know how long it was just to wait for u" She yelled at me as if it was no tomorrow.

"Sorry, Twi. Traffic at Ponyville road street and I ran out of gas." I answered.

"Well, that's reasonable enough." She said as she gave me the sweetest smile and hopped into the seat next to me. You see, My soccer friends went home early, so it makes me to go home and come back to fetch Twilight. She has been waiting for 1 hour, true. Running put of gas, true too. I can't lie to her.... Well, maybe sometimes but... It doesn't matter.

"It's 6:25. You want to eat dinner?" I asked her, hoping she'll say 'yes'.

"Well... I have to make Spike dinner." She answered which made me terribly disappointed.... And sad. "But..... I guess he can make their own dinner. Spike usually cooks our meal."

As I heard that. I looked at her and asked...

"So that means-"

"Ofcourse, we can eat dinner together."

"Wait. A dog can't cook by itself." I asked, a bit confused.

"A dog can't talk but Spike can infact he cooks our meals every morning." She answered.

"O-ok" I answered. But in my mind, I was dancing,leaping,swaying my hips from left to right, clapping my hands high and loud. I can't experience it in a different way so this is all I can do. Promise to make this night memorable!

I smiled the whole time until I saw her fell asleep. The diner would a little far. She sure is tired. I gazed at her while she was sleeping. I hope she doesn't melt. Until, I forgot one important thing that could make our lives change forever.....


I looked where direction we're going as I saw a truck heading our way with a drunk driver.

The scene was fast cause' I can't remember anything except that we we're bumped by the truck.....

Author's Note:

OMIGOSH!!!!! U guys r da BEST!!!!!! 1k reads!!! U guys!!!!

After all the waiting! U guys still waited,read and vote. Even when it takes prying for me to update.

I can't explain my mixed emotions right now.

I just want to tell u dat u r da AWESOMEST persons I have in my life. My Sparklez!


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