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Third person's pov

Early in the morning, even before the sun rise, a rhythmic knock woke Jimin from his tired slumber. He slowly waddled to he door, rubbing his eyes and opened the door. Two men standing outside with a heavy box on the tall male's hands.

"Good morning, Jiminie," the Omega smiled, a boxy smile on show.

'Jiminie?' Jimin thought to himself.

"We've bought you the outfit for the ceremony," the male who held the boxes bowed.


"Oh, you remember?" the younger smiled, adorably, not expecting the cousin he met literally 9 years ago to recognize him.

"Gguk-ah, place them on the dresser and wait outside," the Omega ordered. The Alpha male placed the boxes on the dresser and walked outside, standing near the door, guarding it.

"Oh, and, I'm Taehyung. Kim SeokJin and Kim Namjoon's one and only younger brother," the Omega smiled again, walking inside, closing the door behind him.

"Nice to meet you," Jimin bowed in respect.

"Let's get you ready, shall we?" the Omega walked forward, pulling Jimin with him to the boxes. "Go to the hot spring and get off your dress, please. I'll bring the essentials in a few minutes," he gestured to the small door inside the room.

Nodding, Jimin walked to the hot spring and stripped himself naked and got into the water.

Soon, Taehyung walked in with two vials. He sat by the water and took a small wooden box lying on the floor. He poured the liquids inside the box and handed it to Jimin.

"Use this to wash yourself," he said and stood up, placing to rolled up clothes on the ground. "Use this to dry yourself," he smiled and walked out, giving Jimin his much needed privacy.

As Jimin was cleaning himself, Taehyung opened all the boxes and started segregating Jimin's dress and the jewels he was supposed to wear with the make up equipments placed on the dresser.

A few more minutes later, Jimin walked out of the room, towels wrapped around him elegantly.

"Here, take the robe off and put this," Taehyung handed Jimin a see through piece of red clothing. Without any objections, he bared himself in front of the Omega and wrapped himself in the clothing article.

Taehyung walked behind Jimin and tied the see through robe. Above that, he put Jimin's red shirt and golden pants. Above all of this, he added the silk Jacket, that was flowing to the ground, which was tightly secured with a red silk belt around his middle--which had golden design work on it.

"Sit here," Taehyung sat Jimin in front of the dresser and started combing his long hair with an wooden comb.

"You know you can talk, right?"

"I do," Jimin replied.

"Do you have anything you want to know about?" Taehyung asked, excitement so clear in his voice.

"How is he like?" Jimin asked, his voice so low---a mere whisper.

"I take that he as Namjoon hyung?"

Jimin just nodded slightly in response, his cheeks dusted pink.

"He's very kind. Though he's busy with the royal family's work most of the time, he's very caring and lovely. You two would make a beautiful couple," Taehyung giggled.

"What happened to his wife? If you don't mind me asking..." Jimin hesitated.

He was informed that his spouse was already married and has a son. But, he didn't understand why he was getting married to the elder if he had a wife.

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