someone to lean on

446 54 33

Junhoe is closing the sliding door of the living room when he notices Chaeyoung on her lawn down there. He is about to greet her before he sees someone coming out to the lawn hugging Chaeyoung from the back. Junhoe puts down his hand and looks at the couple quietly before he continues closing the door ignoring them.

"Hey, Kookie. You're done with your business in the toilet?", Chaeyoung asks as she looks at Jungkook behind her.

" don't have to say it out loud. You'll embarrass me, you know...", he responds before letting go of her and stands beside her to start warming up.

"What? There isn't anyone around and I didn't say what you exactly did in there.", she tells him as she copies what he is doing.

Jungkook smiles before he catches her in his arms easily lifting her off the ground. " Still...the grass and the birds on the tree could hear you.", he whispers to her right ear making her cracked up at it.

"Put me down, Kookie. This isn't what we're out here for.", Chaeyoung says before reminding him that they need to get back to what they plan to do that morning.

He listens to her and slowly puts her down with a quick kiss on her lips. She calls his name with a pout for his action. She still has a policy of no intimacy at her house so she feels Jungkook is being unjust with her.

"Love, are you okay? I'm sorry but there isn't anyone else than us here.", Jungkook says as he tends to forget the policy that she has for them when they are at her house. "Chaeyoung?", he touched her hands to get a reply from her. "I'm sorry, my dear. It's my fault, I always forget it when Jisoo noona isn't here. Forgive me, please.", he says as he squeezes her hands softly.

Chaeyoung gradually forms a smile before nodding at him, "I forgive you. Now, can we start exercising? We'll be finishing late if we don't start now."

Jungkook smiles back at her with a nod, "Alright. Let's start."

With that, they begin their morning exercise which they have been doing since coming back from Australia a week ago. Chaeyoung is the one suggesting it after they came back from Sydney. She wanted him to keep being fit and healthy after the incident with his estranged mother. She does not want him to be sad and overthink about Jiwoo.


Chaeyoung is just done with her shower that afternoon when she opens the door to see Jungkook wipes his eyes from tears. She left him half an hour ago after she finished cooking for their lunch. When she looks at what he is watching on the TV, she grabs the remote control and turns the TV off right away.

"Kookie, let's eat now, shall we?", she asks him as she pulls his hand to follow her to the kitchen.

It bothers her to see him crying while watching the TV just now. He was watching a programme where people go to share stories about their life like Hello Counsellor when she saw him earlier. She heard the man in the programme saying something like he missed his parents and she knows how that affected Jungkook.

"Eat a lot and then, we go out, okay?", Chaeyoung says as she pours the water into his glass.

"You don't have to do this, Love. I'm alright.", Jungkook knows her too well. She is worried about him.

She shakes her head before she feeds him the rice she mixed with veggies, "Jimin oppa said you aren't focusing in training. The league is starting within two weeks and you weren't in your best form he said."

Jungkook smiles as he eats what she feeds him, "I shouldn't let you keep in touch with Jimin hyung."

Chaeyoung's face scrunched up in disagreement, "He's my best friend, Kookie. You can't separate us just like that."

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