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You and your team finally settled down on a discreet yet seemingly functional house at a private vinery to hide and bunker down for the time being as you wait for the Boss' next command. Your team was led by a new Capo, Bruno Bucciarati. Seeing as his profile was quite high, the Boss instructed him and your team to look after his daughter, Trish Una, and get her to him safely.

As you all waited, you were quite tired and had a lot on your mind so after you arrived, you wanted to take a quick breather and found a nearby tree that looked like the perfect spot to rest and think to yourself alone as you joined the quiet and beautiful nature's scenery. A moment had passed as you sighed, thinking about why and how you got involved in the situation you had and wondered what future you'd have out of it.

"Penny for your thoughts, my dear?" you heard, breaking your train of thought, you turned to where the voice was as you looked up to see Bruno. You bowed your head down respectfully, hiding your faint blush of embarrassment. "Ah! B-Bucciarati! hello!" you exclaimed, still flustered at the sudden presence towering by you.

Bruno laughed at your admirable respect for him and sudden nervousness, he found it cute; he bent down slightly and looked down to your level, "You wouldn't mind if I sat with you, right? It looks beautiful out today, figured we'd have a little chat, just you and I." he smiled as you sheepishly nodded and scooted to the side to let him sit by you, now with the awkward tension filling the air, you looked to another direction to focus on something else to lessen the tension between you and your leader.

Bruno took notice of this and took initiative like always, and began to make his move. "Why is it you're just by yourself, my dear? don't you want to be with the others more? with Trish perhaps? or any of the men to lighten up, is there something on your mind?" He spoke ever so softly, as you flinched at the sudden nickname, swiftly turning to him.

"Oh! ahh, It's nothing at all! I just- it's what I love to do normally, you know, being alone and all when I feel like I should be. And besides, There's no need to worry about my silly problems, I wouldn't want to trouble any of you with whatever I have to say." you chuckled, earning a smile from Bruno as he tilted his head.

"Nonsense, It's good to let it all out sometimes, feelings and all... in fact, I have been meaning to have you alone for some time, I'm actually glad I caught you spacing out here on your own. Get up, let's have a quick stroll." He said as he began to stand up and pat out the residual grass and dirt that might have stuck onto his pants as he stretched out his hand to help you up. Surprised by his action you shyly took his hand and stood up as he leads you on to start walking with him around the nearby forest that wasn't far from the base, his hand still held within yours.

"So, Y/N... tell me, what do you think of my group? well, that sounds a bit too cold - what do you think of my acquaintances - err, friends? Let's say, Giorno, Abbacchio, and or Narancia? any of the boys really," he asked and gave a light chuckle as he held you by the arm closely as you walked quietly, keeping yourself together.

"Hm... well, I think they're all wonderful people and I wouldn't want anyone else to work with unless it's them. They're great companions and friends wouldn't you agree? Since.. you know, with you leading them and all," You joked and giggled, seeing Bruno chuckle quietly at your remark, and shook his head. "Well of course, yes but what I mean is, do you have any interest in them at all? any of them?" Bruno chuckled and gave you a cheeky smirk, you looked over to him, with a faint blush as you chuckled nervously.

"Well, no not really.." you paused, as you used your free hand and placed it by your cheek pondering at the sudden question, feeling like not letting go of Bruno's hand - Yours and his hand holding felt natural and comfortable, it'd be sad for you both to stop as you both walked with such a bizarre topic in mind.

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