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A.N ; This is Part 2 Joseph

"That wasn't fair! You slid under me and took me from behind, Y/N! My body isn't that flexible!" your close friend, Joseph Joestar huffed in annoyance as you giggled and got up from your current downed position. "Oh no, please don't crush me with your revealing masculine features!" you teased as you laughed at him even more, seeing him huff again and cross his arms. "I'll get back at you..." Joseph mumbled as he glared at you as he thought of ways to get back at you.

You and Joseph met when your coach, Lisa Lisa decided to recruit him and put him under your care for the next few months to train for some Aztec bet battle he made with some stripper looking gods a while back. The days you spent with him were in an ancient and abandoned open gymnasium used in the olden times, but other than that it was also constant pain, laughter, and annoyance. But, you both know you were all dealing with something big and that you had to train your absolute hardest to defeat what clogged up your way. 

Though in time, you both may not know or even want to admit it to each other, but you both secretly caught feelings for each other, this made your incredible chemistry exist. It wasn't a secret that both of you loved to piss off Caesar and knew exactly how to tick him off giving both of you non-stop entertainment.

Back to the present, you were peacefully sitting in an old fallen down pillar to rest up to your body and breathing when you felt two large hands go over your eyes. You groaned and chuckled, "Hello, Jojo..." you unenthusiastically say as you pulled his hand away and turn around seeing a much taller figure and much more muscular figure smiling down at you.

"Done taking a break yet? Cause I sure am," Joseph smiled mischievously, you eyed him up and down and gave him an unsure look. "...Why do I feel like you're up to something that ISN'T good..." you say, squinting your eyes as you stood up and leaned close to him, examining his behavior as he gave you his signature smile. 

"Oh, my dear Y/N, I seriously have no idea what you mean!" Joseph replied, contradicting your suspicions, making you even MORE skeptical of what he's about to do.

"Hmm, that still won't change my suspicions on you, let's just get back to training... we still have a long day." you sighed and stretched once more as you walked into the open space where you and Joseph train as he followed you.

You both begin with your fighting stance, you being the smaller one, took the initiative to engage in the fight, little did you know, Joseph already knew you would and lead you on to a good fight session.


Both of you were now exhausted but pushed through considering you do this every day. As you were about to lunge at Joseph while catching your breath, he already had the upper hand and tripped you down on the ground to tackle you, having him in the top and you on the bottom, pinned down to face him as you feel your cheeks raise its temperature.

"You- You bastard! I let my guard down for one second!" you said, as you tried to squirm out from his grasp. Joseph leaned close to you, "I told you I'll get back at you ~" he playfully replied as he leaned closer to your face. Annoyed, you pouted and stuck out your tongue, seeing him smirk in triumph, "Next you'll say: 'You're the absolute worst, Jojo!' and..go!" and right on cue, you said the same thing he said and blushed even more.

"Uuuugh, you are so annoying sometimes! let me go already... please?" you pleaded to make doll eyes at your secret crush. He leaned forward to where your noses were now touching, feeling his breath so close to your face. "...mmm, no, I like looking at you when you're below me," he said as he leaned back and winked at you. You punched his arm and started stammering and cursing at him.

Joseph just rolled his eyes, wanting you to shut up already. As if cutting the tension with a knife, Joseph leaned down to connect his lips with yours for a brief moment until pulling away and wiping his lips with his finger. "Okay! That was all I needed!" Joseph sighed, satisfied with his actions, as he let you go. You, on the other hand, were frantically processing what just happened as you stood up patting away the dirt that might have dusted on you, seeing Joseph start to walk off.

You were frustrated and confused that he just did that to you but something deep inside you felt like you needed that to happen again, so you marched up to him and punched his back to alarm him. "What the heck was that for? You didn't even ask about how I felt!" You scolded, seeing Joseph turn to you as he hissed, feeling his back clearly in pain.

"It was just a joke! I never thought you'd have it go THIS FAR, I- I'm sorry," Joseph started in a playful tone but turned into a more genuine apology, walking closer towards you, seeing you huff air out your red cheeks as you crossed your arms.

"But, If I'm being honest here, you look cute when you're angry.. maybe I'll do it again sometimes.." Joseph smirked, earning a sigh of defeat from you.

"I can't stay mad at you forever, what you did... I liked it too in a way.. I guess." You muttered as you looked away.

Joseph took this as another opportunity to tease you. Using his hand to cup your cheeks he brought your face to face his again. "I don't suppose you mind me doing it again?" he cooed, your eyes widen from embarrassment as you succumb to his charm and shyly nodded, as he gladly gave you a passionate kiss. Soon enough, you melted into his arms and let him do his thing.

Joseph's kisses glided down to your collarbone until it reached your neck, as he began to kiss multiple spots lovingly as you quietly moaned from his touch, playing with his hair. Joseph took this into account and chuckled under his breath biting on a spot on your neck, earning a quiet squeak from you.

You pulled away from the brunette infront of you as you blushed. "J-Jojo! we can't do this here! Caesar or The Coach could check in on us and ask if we're doing something else that's not training!"  you said, covering your neck.

"Well then, if you'd prefer a more.. enclosed space, I'd be happy to lead you," Joseph smirked resting his arms on his waist and gave you another wink. This made you giggle and roll your eyes, "I guess I'd like that very much." you smiled as you both ran off somewhere private to pick up where you both left off.

.1229 words.

I feel as though this was a bit long but oh well my word count says otherwise- I kinda like
how this lime turned out. haha. Hope you did too.

𝐕𝐈𝐒𝐈𝐎𝐍 ;; JJBA ONESHOTSOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora