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Minho's Favorite Bedtime Story

"Mommy, can you read me a bedtime story?"

Five-year-old Minho looked up at his mother with wide eyes, sitting on his bed with his small hands clasped in his lap. It was time for bed, but he didn't want to go to sleep just yet.

Besides, the books his mother always reads to him at night are always so interesting.

Minho's mother walked over to a colorful bookshelf that was sitting in the corner of the small room, pulling out a bunch of short books before walking over to Minho's bed and kneeling. "Sure, honey. Which one would you like to read tonight?"

Minho stared at the books in his mother's hands, contemplating for a bit before pointing his small finger at a familiar purple spined book. "This one."

The book was one of Minho's favorites, titled The Little Ghost, the book fittingly had a cute smiling cartoonish ghost on the cover, floating in front of some sort of haunted house drawn in the same art style.

Minho's mother smiled and set the other books down, opening the book carefully. She began to read, iambic, rhythmic, rhyming lines flowing out of her mouth.

"There once was a small ghost

That lived quite far from most.

He liked to do so many things,

Like play or dance or sing.

He played all day and played all night

From sunrise to when the stars shone white.

But he always played on his own

Because he was always alone..."

Minho frowned. He didn't like the idea of being lonely. He couldn't imagine what the ghost was feeling. He probably felt sad all the time. Minho just wanted to give the ghost a big hug.

"One day the ghost saw some kids playing.

They were running and smiling and giggling and laughing.

The little ghost then wanted to see if it's true

That the kids would play with him too.

The ghost went over to the kids that played.

Who were now sitting under the shade.

The little ghost put a smile on his face,

Speaking happily at a friendly pace:

'can i play with you?' He asked, 'i don't want to be so alone.'

But the answer he got was one he didn't want to know..."

Minho didn't like this next part of the story at all. It made him really sad every single time.

"'Who are you?' the kid in the front replied,

'We don't want to play with someone like you,

You don't look like someone like us,

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