Chapter Four

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⚠️⚠️This part contains mild references and implications of self-harm. Please be safe. ⚠️⚠️

"Just remember, everything will get less scary."


Minho woke up in his bed to the sound of Chan coming out of the bathroom. After Minho came back from Jisung's, Minho immediately fell asleep.

Chan must have noticed that Minho woke up. "Hey Minho, good morning."

Minho grumbled a "morning" before rolling over when suddenly a sharp pain went through his left arm. Minho yelped and pulled out his left arm, seeing a fresh cut running vertically down his arm. Minho's eyes widened. How did this happen?

Chan walked over and stared at Minho's arm with equally wide eyes. "How'd you get this?"

Minho brushed his thumb over the cut and bit his lip, tears welling in his eyes from the slight pain. "Uh I- I don't know."

Chan looked up to Minho's face and spoke quietly. "Are you hurting yourself?"

Minho brought a hand up to his eyes and wiped the tears. "N-no, of course not."

"You better not be doing self-harm, it's not a good solution to your problems. Now I know I can't assume..."

Chan's words faded into the background as Minho continued to stare at the cut, the red color of the cut taunting him. Who did this? Minho certainly knew that he didn't do it. It could be somebody else in his system, but Minho knew that none of his primary alters would do such a thing. What if it was somebody else?

Minho felt like he was going to pass out.


"Minho? Minho!"

Hyunjin looked up to see Chan staring at him. Hyunjin's eyes moved down to see an angry red cut on his arm. "What the fuck."

Hyunjin looked back up at Chan. "Did you fucking do this?"

Chan stepped back. "Minho, what are you saying? I didn't-"

Hyunjin immediately got off of the bed, grabbed their phone, and ran into the bathroom, locking himself inside.

Taehyung and Yoohyeon are now co-conscious.

Hyunjin stared at the cut before tapping it with a finger, wincing.

You should put a bandage on that. 

Hyunjin felt Taehyung trying to take control, hands automatically moving to find a bandage. "Tae, I can do it myself."

It can get infected. Put a bandage on it.

Hyunjin knocked Taehyung's hands off of the steering wheel and huffed before finding the bandages, wrapping it messily around their arm. "There we go."

Hyunjin heard Taehyung sigh and Yoohyeon chuckle. Taehyung attempted to take the steering wheel. It's dangerous if you don't wrap it tightly just let me fix it.


Taehyung rewrapped the bandage and then went back to the passenger seat. Hyunjin stared at the bandage. "Do you guys know what the fuck happened?"

Hyunjin felt Yoohyeon come a little closer. Who was fronting before you?

"I'm pretty sure it was Minho, but he wouldn't do shit like this. At least not on purpose."

At that very moment, a light knock on the bathroom door came followed by Chan's voice. "Minho? Are you okay in there?"

Hyunjin ran a hand through his hair, Taehyung speaking up. Who's that?

Hyunjin muttered under his breath. "Our new roommate. He doesn't know we exist."

Pretend you're Minho.

Hyunjin leaned on the counter. "Uh, what does he fucking sound like?"

We share the same voice box. It should be easy.

Hyunjin tapped his foot. "Yoohyeon, I'm not fucking stupid. I know that, but we have different accents, he-"

Chan knocked again. "Minho? Please can you open the door. I'm... worried."

Hyunjin huffed before putting on his best Minho impression. "I-I'm okay. Don't worry. I can do this by myself."

Yoohyeon's laugh filled their head, Taehyung also chuckling. Chan's voice came through the door once again, laced with slight confusion and hesitation. "Oh okay. I just... I'm here if you need to talk."

Hyunjin slid down to the floor. "Geez, that was fucking stressful."

Your impression was pretty much perfect.

"Thanks, Tae."

Hyunjin took out their phone to find a message from Jisung saying that he and Felix wanted to visit their dorm today, but they didn't know what the dorm number was. "Aw, fuck. What's our dorm number."

I don't know, Minho probably wrote it down somewhere.

Hyunjin opened up the phone's note app, found the information he needed and sent off the message.

Hyunjin sighed. "We're going to have to get out of the bathroom eventually, right?"

Well yeah, but we should get ready while we're in the bathroom. Do you know if we even took a shower yesterday?

Hyunjin sighed. "Might as well."

A/N Hi y'all. :) I hope you enjoyed this chapter. It's basically 2:30 am right now so I guess I'm slightly improving my sleep schedule(?) haha oops. Anyways, have a nice day!


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