Chapter One

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Minho stared at his reflection in the smooth, shiny metal on the inside of the elevator. Tapping his foot nervously, Minho sighed. Why did he agree to do this?

The elevator seemed to respond to his thoughts with a ding as the doors opened onto the third floor. Minho walked out, tugging his large suitcase out behind him. Minho's eyes wandered, going over the numbers next to the doors, searching for a certain number.

Once he spotted room 317, Minho stopped in front of it and sighed, reaching into his pocket for the key he had been given. Heart beating fast from nervousness, Minho opened the door and walked in. Looks like his roommate wasn't here yet.

Minho sat on one of the beds and pulled out his phone and called his closest friend. The phone rang a few times before someone picked up. "Hey, what's up?"

"Changbin. I'm freaking out."


"Yeah, it's me."

"Okay... uh... what's got you so freaked out?"

Minho sighed. "I don't like the idea of meeting somebody new anymore."

"You said that you wanted to get out of your comfort zone. Last week you were so set on moving in to the dorms so you could get more used to talking with people and trusting others. You know you could've done that while you all still lived with me."

Minho didn't respond and started to feel like he was floating. Heart beating fast, he felt as if he was going to-

"Minho? Hello?"

Minho regained control and rubbed his face with his hand. "Sorry, I just dissociated a little. And you're right. I did say that. But now that I think about it, what if my roommate doesn't like me? What if they hate me? Fuck, what if they hate us? I know it, I just know it that they will no-"

"Minho, Minho, Minho calm down. You're fine. You haven't even met them yet. You don't know until you see them. Just don't worry about it..."

Minho's head shot up as he heard keys jingling outside the door, Changbin's reassurance fading to the background. Minho interrupted in a harsh whisper. "They're here."

Changbin paused before speaking again. "You'll be fine Minho. Good luck. All of you."

Minho chuckled nervously in response to Changbin's horrible joke before hanging up right when the door opened. A man with blonde hair walked into the room pulling a suitcase behind him before closing the door. The man looked at Minho. "Hi."

Oh fuck oh fuck oh fuck oh fuck oh fuck oh fu-

Hyunjin is now co-conscious

Minho instinctively took a step back.

The blonde haired man smiled. "Don't worry, I don't bite. I'm Chan."

Minho chuckled nervously. "Minho."

Chan moved to sit on the other bed. "Nice to meet you Minho."

Minho stared at Chan. He was quite good looking, Minho had to admit, and he looked like a nice guy. He even acted like a nice guy, but not everything is always as it seems.

Minho felt for someone. Hyunjin?



You want me to take over?

No,I jus-


Minho redirected his attention back to Chan. "Yeah?"

"You've been staring at me for the past minute."

Minho moved his attention to the floor, the wooden swirls becoming quite intriguing. "Oh, I'm sorry."

"Have you unpacked your stuff yet?"

Minho laid his suitcase on the floor and opened it with a nervous chuckle. "I should... uh... go do that."

"Alright. I'm going to go check on some of my friends. I'll be back soon."

After hearing the door close, Minho inwardly cringed at the awkward exchange earlier. Somebody help me.

You're literally fine. You did this to yourself.

Minho groaned. "Thanks Hyunjin."

No problemo.

Minho dug through his suitcase and pulled out a pad of post-it notes and a pen before writing a note to his system about what has happened and where they are so they don't freak out in an unfamiliar environment.

We wouldn't want that, would we?


As soon as Minho finished unpacking his clothes, the door opened revealing a smiling Chan. "I'm back."

Minho responded distactedly with a hum.

Chan walked over to his suitcase and opened it, starting to pull things out. "I think we should get to know each other, yeah?"

You said you wanted to do this. Just fucking talk to him. I'm still here.

Minho sighed. "Okay."

"So, where are you from?"

Minho looked at Chan suspiciously. "Why? Are you trying to find out all my information so you can steal my identity?"

Chan put up his hands in defense. "No, I'm just curious."

Debating his choices, Minho decided that if he was going to keep on acting like this, he could never trust anyone else ever again. "Gimpo."

Chan smiled. "Oh that's cool. I'm from Austrailia."

Gaining a bit of confidence, Minho tried to carry on the conversation. "Really? You travelled quite far."

"Yeah. I wanted to be a music producer and I got this opportunity here in Korea. I just had to take it even though I pretty much lost everything back at home. All my friends and family, memories and familiarity, but you have to push yourself and go out of your comfort zone if you want to improve, right?"

Minho nodded, processing Chan's words. Chan's smile grew wider as he stepped forward and placed a hand on Minho's shoulder in a comforting gesture. "I think we'll get along, yeah? The two of us will be great roommates."

Minho looked at Chan's hand on his shoulder and stepped back, panicking. Mind racing, Minho felt trapped. He didn't know what to do. How was he going to-

The next thing he knew, the world dissolved around him.


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