Chapter 4

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Brooke rolled her eyes. outside the window the hummer passed us and so did Zach. "We'll talk about this later" she glared and started the car.

         The car came to a screeching stop and i opened my eyes. "Where are we?" i asked. i looked through the window and i see that the sky is dark. There was also houses too. Houses that i recognized. Kassidy yawned."We're at Santa Cruz, aka your house." Brooke said. me and Kassidy got out of the car. We both noticed that the motorcycle and the hummer was here too."Uh why did we stop here Brooky?" i said very confused. "To stay here for the night oh and don't worry your parents aren't here." she opened the door and the house smelled of pasta. i walked into the living room to find everyone sitting on the couches. Summer sat pretzel crossed on the floor while Snow was braiding her golden locks. The curly haired girl had her brown combat boots on the couch eating some chips.

         Everyone was accounted for execpt Alex, Sight, and..... "Spaghetti's done!!! Chow down peoples before this stuff gets cold" Someone screamed in the kitchen. "Finally! it took you long enough" Snow said as she finished Summer's hair and walked to the kitchen. "Okay what is everyone doing here! And where are my parents?" i asked. The curly haired girl turned her head towards me. "Calm down Skylar. We needed to rest for the night and you have alot of rooms.As for your parents, They went on a.... Vacation" She had a Italian accent. Everyone walked to the kitchen and got food. i sat down on the couch angrily next to the girl. "The name's Mckenzie but everyone calls me Kenzie" She extended her hand out to me. I shook it. "Im Skylar but i guess you already know that. Why are you guys taking me to Arizona?" i asked. Kenzie put on some aviator sunglasses that looked familar."That's confidental you're gonna find out once we get there." "Your glasses looks like my glasses." she laughed.

         "Well because they are. I took it from that picture." she pointed to the picture frame with me and Brooke at the park on my 15th birthday when she got me the glasses. I was wearing them when they took the picture but they weren't there. "How did you do that!?" i asked. "Geez, you sure ask alot of questions. Just watch." She went to the picture and grabbed the milkshake out of Brooke's hand and there it was on her hand and not in the frame. She drank from the soda. "Eh i like vanilla better."

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